Six months of crowdfunded #OpenJustice work

At the start of May I blogged about how I’d asked the kind souls who live on the internet to support me with my Open Justice work. I asked for help and you replied, with your cash and your words of support, and for that I’m still so very grateful. I wrote an update of […]

Melbourne meanderings

I took the weekend off from blogging and just enjoyed taking in the rays, wandering the city (I flew down to Melbourne from Sydney on Saturday afternoon), people watching and musing on what I’d heard and thought from week one of #WCMTLD. I know I’ve already said it but I feel so totally and utterly […]

First stop Sydney #WCMTLD

A few people have been in touch since I shared this site asking what I am doing and who I am meeting in Sydney. I’m still seeking bereaved family members to connect with (more info here) and have some time set aside for those meetings, and any other opportunities currently unplanned that might crop up. […]

Involving families in investigating the deaths of learning disabled people #WCMTLD

I am incredibly excited to share that I have been awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travelling Fellowship 2017. The WCMT fellowship will cover my costs to travel to Canada, Australia and New Zealand for six weeks in total to look at what currently happens in those countries in relation to involving families, and learning […]

Failing hurts

I started writing this on a train to Bath where I’ve the absolute pleasure of spending the night with Rich Watts (my virtual twin) and his family, before heading into Bristol bright and early tomorrow for TEDxBristol. I’m really looking forward to tomorrow which will allow me to spend a whole day focusing on failure, […]