JusticeforLB: A movement for change

Less than two weeks ago a report was published on Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust’s website, detailing an independent investigation into the death of 18 year old Connor Sparrowhawk in an NHS hospital. Connor was known as LB, short for Laughing Boy, online. The Connor Report, found that his death was preventable. The report appears very […]

Excessive RTs: what’s the problem and why do they happen?

This morning I shared a cranky rant on twitter that looked like this: I’ve linked it back to the original tweet so you can see some of the responses it received. I’ve been musing on it ever since, not least because I’ve been questioning why overwhelmingly people who responded didn’t seem to experience the same […]

Troublemakers or changemakers?

A couple weeks ago I stumbled across this tweet from @JaneMCummings that shows @HelenBevan speaking at a conference, although I couldn’t tell you which one because her hand covers the hashtag! I missed the conference title, the detail and the context, but the image stuck with me and I kept coming back to it. The […]

Social Care Curry Club

The idea A month or so ago Matt Bowsher contacted me with what has proved to be a great idea. He was thinking of arranging a get together for people working in social care, to have curry and chat work, in an unapologetic way! Social care isn’t the sexiest of topics, it’s not like saying […]

Life after Bobby: the first 100 days

It’s 101 days since Dad died today, I’d been thinking about this (non)-anniversary all week and was fully aware of it yesterday but couldn’t bring myself to concentrate long enough to write this post then. I’m confident Dad would appreciate the quirk of it being 101 days anyhow. So I’m going to keep this short […]

Ten top tips for new bloggers

I tweeted today that it was my three year blogging anniversary and Sarah Carr sent this tweet: 140 characters would not suffice for such a question so this blog post is for Sarah, and anyone else who is interested. I hope you find it useful and I’d welcome your feedback, comments and own suggestions. 1. […]

Social media and citizen engagement

Over the past week I’ve blogged an argument as to why people should be taking notice of social media and have also worked up a discussion of the analogy of social media as a vehicle, so today I thought it was time to consider what journey the social media vehicle could take us on, and […]

Social media metrics: reach ≠ quality

I need to start this post by confessing that I’ve been wanting to use ≠ in a post for ages. For anyone who is thinking it’s a typo, it’s not it’s actually the symbol for *does not equal*, so indulge me with my quirk if you will and keep reading – anyone who got here already. […]