Military metaphor and vanguards #5YFV #FutureNHS

Yesterday the healthcare world was awash with gleeful excitement as NHS England announced the 29 ‘vanguard’ sites, chosen to develop new ways of delivering integrated care. Last week I was chatting with Annie C, Helen K and others about the increasing use of military language in the #NHS: Then a few days later Clare Gerada […]

When is good not really good?

Yesterday the Care Quality Commission published its inspection report into Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. Those of you who are regulars here will know this is a Trust I have a particular interest in via the JusticeforLB campaign. LB, Laughing Boy, died a preventable death in their ‘care’ in July 2013 and we’ve yet to […]

Pre-inquest review #JusticeforLB

Didn’t want the sun to set on today without capturing something on paper (actually the sun set hours ago and this is just me and my keyboard, no paper involved, but lets not get caught on details!). Today I went to Oxford for Connor’s pre-inquest review hearing. I hadn’t set foot outside the station before Agent […]

A good death, a bad death. It matters.

It’s 581 days since my Dad died and I can honestly say there is rarely a day that passes where I don’t have a fleeting thought of gratitude for Rowcroft Hospice, our local hospice who supported our family in Dad’s last year of life, especially in the weeks up to his death. I often think […]