Cawston Park Safeguarding Adults Review

I attended a press conference this morning for the release of a Safeguarding Adults Review commissioned by Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board into the death of three “patients” at Jeesal Cawston Park “Hospital”. I’ve intentionally put patients and hospital in scare quotes, because it’s a term that really shouldn’t be used in my opinion. Personally I’d […]

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

Richard Handley’s inquest concluded yesterday, the coroner found gross failings, missed opportunities and that Richard should not have died. No-one should die of constipation in a civilised society. It’s utterly disgraceful. It makes me so angry and so sad. It’s too early for me to blog about the coroner’s decision or what we might change […]

Her name was Gloria

Today, 17 September 2013, two serious case reviews are published, one into the death of four year old Daniel Pelka who lived in Coventry and the other into 81 year old Gloria Foster who lived in Surrey. This post will introduce serious case reviews, introduce Gloria, précis the circumstances around her death and discuss societal attitudes to the […]