Taking responsibility

I’d like to share a story from my past, I’ll try to cut the detail and make it brief. When I was thirteen or fourteen I volunteered for a week in a local play scheme for kids with special needs. Run by social services to this day I can’t remember how I knew about it, […]

Here we go again

Earlier on this evening I blogged about my fitbit, my favourite latest toy. There’s been quite a lot of chat in my twitterstream this weekend about being healthy and exercising, not sure whether it’s the cold dry weather, just that time of year, the promise of Spring, the hopeful shedding of our winter layer of extra blubber […]

Get up and run – for Sherry and yourself

As I was sat on my sofa today perusing twitter earlier I saw this tweet I followed the link and read Sherry Arnold’s story, just over a month ago Sherry went for an early morning run in Montana, a town where she lived with her husband and children and worked as a teacher. Sherry never […]

Holiday packing

Photo by kennymatic Volcano dust permitting next week I will be at conference in Canada before ten days on a very long overdue, and desperately needed, holiday. So I have to take some work gear with me (laptop, couple papers, smartish clothes) and clothes for 10 days holiday; I’m deluding myself (am quite good at […]