Reflections on #JSWEC 2015

I’ve got that head-fug that emerges after an intense conference or period of networking so I doubt what follows will be my most profound thoughts or reflections however I offer them into the mix because I’d welcome others thoughts while the #JSWEC hashtag remains busy. It’s a long one so if you’re short on time/patience then just read […]

Life after Bobby: my birthday

I’ve always loved reflecting and looking back on the year, I’m the sort of sucker who loves those programmes at new years where the year (or better still, the decade) is shown in highlights. So as a bit of a birthday ritual I’ve been ruminating on the past twelve months and pretty much the one […]

Life after Bobby: Month 2

So time moves on, it’s actually ten weeks today that Dad died but I wasn’t really in the mood to blog last week which would have been two calendar months. I can’t believe that it’s two months already, the list of things I’d have liked to share with Dad grows, my sense of his loss […]