A letter to my niece on her fourth birthday

Dear Libbie, Last month you turned four, and I’ve thought long and hard about whether to write this letter, the letter I wrote you last year proved really popular, so I was worried that I might not be able to live up to it, but in the end I decided there was nothing to lose […]

All you’re seeing is the tip of the iceberg!

A month or so ago I wrote about positive fundraising and a bit about crowd-funding on my work blog, you can read it here if you’re interested. It led to quite a lot of discussion on twitter about the role of positive and negative in getting attention to your product or brand, and also a […]

Positive giving

I’m going to start this post with a disclaimer! I don’t know an awful lot about fundraising, or charitable giving so I’m not offering this post as some sort of expert advice. I am however interested in the potential of social media to share messages or build a narrative, and thought I’d share my personal […]