Mia’s Inquest – Mia’s Family Statement

As stated in our pen portrait of our beautiful Meme, we are learning to live with the unimaginable. Mia has left a large size Meme hole in our hearts and lives; we all miss her more and more as each day passes.  Mia was the most beautiful little girl and left an imprint on everyone […]

Mia’s Inquest – The Children’s Trust Statement

I contacted The Children’s Trust to ask if they were making a statement after Mia’s inquest concluded. This is what they sent through, dated 6 August 2024. We were deeply saddened by the death of Mia Gauci Lamport in September 2023. We would like to extend our sincere condolences to Mia’s family. Mia was much […]

Mia’s Inquest Conclusion

The Assistant Coroner for Surrey, Dr Karen Henderson, came into court shortly after half past nine, and the hearing to sum up the evidence and conclude the inquest into the death of Mia Louise Gauci Lamport lasted an hour. The coroner introduced herself for the benefit of the recording, gave the date and venue and […]

Mia’s Inquest Day 2 – Dr O’Connell, The Children’s Trust (again)

We returned to Surrey Coroners Court on Wednesday 31 July for Day 2 of Mia Gauci Lamport’s inquest. Mia’s family and counsel for Bracknell Forest and The Children’s Trust were in court. I was attending remotely, so was not able to see who else was present in court. Dr John O’Connell who had given evidence […]

Mia’s Inquest – Claire Shiels, The Children’s Trust

The final witness to give live evidence on Day 1 of Mia’s inquest was Ms Claire Shiels. She gave an affirmation and the coroner asked who she is. CS: Claire Shiels, I’m Head of Nursing at The Children’s Trust and also registered manager for regulatory purposes. I started there in 2019, been there 4.5 years, […]

Mia’s Inquest: Laura Yapichi, Children’s Trust

After reading Emma Dickerson’s statement, the Coroner called Laura Yapici to the stand. She gave an affirmation. The coroner thanked her for attending and checks how to pronounce her name. She asks Ms Yapichi to explain who she is and her involvement with Mia. LY: I was a Child Support Assistant with The Children’s Trust. […]

Mia’s Inquest – Dr John O’Connell, The Children’s Trust

The coroner called Dr John O’Connell to the stand after the mid morning break and he swore an oath. The coroner asked him to explain who he was and his qualifications. He told the court he was a consultant paediatrician. He had started as a general paediatrician, had worked for the NHS most of his […]

Mia’s inquest – Louise Richer, Bracknell Forest

The court heard from four witnesses in person on Day 1 of Mia’s inquest, on Tuesday 30 July. The first witness was Lou Richer. She told the court that she is the Head of Children’s Specialist Safeguarding for Bracknell Forest Council and that she’d worked in the Specialist Support Service for 10.5 years and known […]

Mia’s Inquest – Coroner’s opening and post mortem evidence

I’ve been reporting from coroner’s courts for almost a decade now, and it is very rare to see more than a couple of journalists in attendance. Walking into Surrey Coroner’s Court yesterday there were lots of people, including numerous members of the media. However, when I was asked to sign the media list, I was […]