Inquest reflections #JusticeforLB

Last week I wrote a post reflecting on the first week of LB’s inquest last year. It focused on some of the themes that emerged in that first week, the sprinklings of candour, the constant undercurrent of mother blaming, the contradictions and flaky knowledge of epilepsy, even then, years after LB died, years after Southern […]

Five things I wish I knew when I offered to give a eulogy

Waking today I remembered that twelve months ago, the 29th November, was an equally drab and grey November morning. Not too much different to any other autumn morning when the sun stays at half light as though its too apathetic to break through the clouds. It suited me, felt like an honest reflection of my […]

Life after Bobby: one year on

It’s twelve months, one year, 365 days since my Dad died. It doesn’t feel real and yet I’ve developed a low level awareness that’s constantly there. It feels like yesterday but it also feels much longer than a year. If there is one thing that I can emphatically say I’ve learnt over the last […]

Life after Bobby: I’m free

I’m a member of a very small club that I really wouldn’t want any of you to be members of. That ‘club’ that exists only in loose tweets or sharing of experience, and is no way a club in the true sense of the word, is made up of people who have all felt the […]

Life after Bobby: Missing Dad

It’s 264 days since my Dad died. Nothing particularly significant about that, I had to sit and work it out as I don’t carry a mental tally of the days since his death. In one hundred and one days I’ll have lived a full year without one of my parents. I feel very lucky that […]

999: Show them the love!

Rarely do I sit down and write a blog post in an instant response to something I’ve seen, I’m quite a reflective person, bit of a thinker and I tend to muse on things and have a list of ‘to write when I have time’ blog posts, but occasionally, not often, but every now and […]

Life after Bobby: my birthday

I’ve always loved reflecting and looking back on the year, I’m the sort of sucker who loves those programmes at new years where the year (or better still, the decade) is shown in highlights. So as a bit of a birthday ritual I’ve been ruminating on the past twelve months and pretty much the one […]

Life after Bobby: the first 100 days

It’s 101 days since Dad died today, I’d been thinking about this (non)-anniversary all week and was fully aware of it yesterday but couldn’t bring myself to concentrate long enough to write this post then. I’m confident Dad would appreciate the quirk of it being 101 days anyhow. So I’m going to keep this short […]

What to buy a dying man for Christmas?

This is the first year I’ve not faced this dilemma as my amazing Dad passed away last month (you can read his eulogy here if you’re interested) but I’ve noticed that a post I wrote a couple years ago What do you buy a dying man for his birthday? has had a lot of interest […]