Transcript of 2min video about LEDER – 27 August 2021

Hello, its the end of a long week but I was having a conversation this week with Gillian on twitter and said that I felt that the Learning Disability Mortality Review process, LEDER, was confusing things when it came to the deaths of learning disabled people rather than helping necessarily. She was interested in my […]

Profound injustice #LEDER #FestABLE

Anyone who has seen me, spoken to me, or tweeted with me since the interim LEDER report was published has had to listen to me raging about the utterly demoralising contents. I’ve yet to actually take my needle to canvas to stitch the new and (not in the slightest improve) premature mortality statistics. Instead of […]

La Danse Macabre #LEDER #TozerInquest

This is a guest blog post written by Rosie Tozer: Why am I experiencing early symptoms of a panic attack as I read the LeDeR report and the commentary? (and many thanks to all the wonderful supportive people who have continued to mention Danny in their comments and their blogs. But for now a week […]