Social care evidence in practice: an English perspective #KTNConf

I’m typing this sat in the beautiful Banff Springs hotel in Canada where I’ve spent the last couple days at #KTNConf Inspiring Change. Organised and hosted by the Health Research Transfer Network of Alberta (RTNA), this conference has focused on the role of knowledge transfer in inspiring change. Rarely have I had the privilege to […]

The legend that is Paul Clarke

Many, many years ago I started following Paul Clarke on twitter. I wasn’t sure who this man was particularly, and until today I had no real notion how digital he was, so either he was very modest or I wasn’t paying enough attention, but I liked his tweets. He was eclectic, witty, said it as […]

Celebrate what you want to see more of in life! #BestbyWM

This pithy maxim was recently featured in the introduction of a blog post from the wonderful Dan Slee following the launch event of Best by West Midlands. The Best by West Midlands White Paper is available for download or you can visit their microsite. Commissioned by Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands (IEWM) and produced by comms2point0 the […]

My 35 thousandth tweet

Unusually for me I didn’t check twitter the moment I woke up this morning, instead I visited the twitter website as soon as I turned my mac on. It was this that meant I spotted something quite surprising, to me at least – that last night I’d reached the (completely meaningless really) marker of 35k […]

Compassion in Healthcare at Torbay Hospital

Last month Mum mentioned she’d seen a talk advertised in the library, it was being held at our local hospital and was being given by Sarah Tobin. It was on a Monday evening, a day I worked at home, Mum was curious and thought it might be of interest to me from a work perspective. […]