Stitches of hope #JusticeforLB

I’ve not blogged in an age, mostly because I’ve struggled to find anything positive to say. Anyone who has read this blog before will know that I don’t require myself to be positive (in fact I think society is obsessed with doing everything in it’s power to portray wonderful joy and happiness, especially on social […]

Falling Walls: time to end death by indifference #JusticeforLB?

Falling Walls Today I stumbled across Falling Walls for the first time: Falling Walls is a unique international platform for leaders from the worlds of science, business, politics, the arts and society. It was initiated on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall. Inspired by this world-changing event on 9 […]

A less hirsute rotation around the sun #hairhack #JusticeforLB

Today it is a year since my #hairhack, that’s one full rotation of the sun and probably my least hirsute one yet. I wanted to write a blog post, partly to share some learning and mark a year on, but mostly to update on the two causes that I shaved my head for in the […]

Pre-inquest review #JusticeforLB

Didn’t want the sun to set on today without capturing something on paper (actually the sun set hours ago and this is just me and my keyboard, no paper involved, but lets not get caught on details!). Today I went to Oxford for Connor’s pre-inquest review hearing. I hadn’t set foot outside the station before Agent […]

Mama lions, pain, privilege and justice

The more observant among you will have noticed I’ve been tweeting a bit about #JusticeforLB lately. I kind of figure that if you read this blog, or my tweets, you’re fairly used to me irritating you or over-sharing on things like death and dying. I know that’s not easy for everyone but as I’ve blogged […]