Why did people support the JusticeforLBGMC crowdfunding campaign?

When it became apparent that the GMC would bring a case to have Dr Valerie Murphy, LB’s consultant psychiatrist struck off the medical register, thoughts turned to whether we should live-tweet it. There’s more about my thinking here but essentially it came down to the opportunity to shine a light on these really rather murky […]

Waiting, impotence and wilfully ignoring… in pursuit of #JusticeforLB

I’m not very good at waiting. I’m a new idea a minute, leap to action and just try and get on with something, anything to avoid the inertia kinda gal. This has proved incredibly challenging at many points in my life. It’s almost three years to the day since my Dad died and his parting […]

10 reasons why I can’t support the Verita 2 conclusions #JusticeforLB

Last summer Sara and Rich asked me if I was willing to be their lay representative on Verita 2. This investigation was expected to build on Verita 1, which found LB’s death to be wholly preventable, and look at the wider system aspects at play in the lead up to/at the time. I’d never been involved […]

Preventable deaths are not tragic #JusticeforLB

I’ve spent the last fortnight in Oxford live-tweeting the inquest into the death of Connor Sparrowhawk – you can learn more about Connor here: You can learn about the campaign at JusticeforLB website and you can read the inquest happenings over on twitter @LBinquest. At some stage I’ll write about the inquest process, the amazingly […]

Stitches of hope #JusticeforLB

I’ve not blogged in an age, mostly because I’ve struggled to find anything positive to say. Anyone who has read this blog before will know that I don’t require myself to be positive (in fact I think society is obsessed with doing everything in it’s power to portray wonderful joy and happiness, especially on social […]

Falling Walls: time to end death by indifference #JusticeforLB?

Falling Walls Today I stumbled across Falling Walls for the first time: Falling Walls is a unique international platform for leaders from the worlds of science, business, politics, the arts and society. It was initiated on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall. Inspired by this world-changing event on 9 […]

Secrecy, transparency, purdah and the illusion of candour #ADASSspring #JusticeforLB

Earlier this week Sara posted a blog post titled State agents and lives on hold. In it she updates on the tiresome slog to get accountability and answers around her son’s preventable death, in an ATU. LB drowned in the bath, something an independent report found to be entirely preventable, fourteen months ago. Still no accountability […]

When is good not really good?

Yesterday the Care Quality Commission published its inspection report into Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. Those of you who are regulars here will know this is a Trust I have a particular interest in via the JusticeforLB campaign. LB, Laughing Boy, died a preventable death in their ‘care’ in July 2013 and we’ve yet to […]

Pre-inquest review #JusticeforLB

Didn’t want the sun to set on today without capturing something on paper (actually the sun set hours ago and this is just me and my keyboard, no paper involved, but lets not get caught on details!). Today I went to Oxford for Connor’s pre-inquest review hearing. I hadn’t set foot outside the station before Agent […]

Impersonal correspondence: 10-15 #nhssm

Once I’ve started something I always try my hardest to finish it, so having deconstructed and analysed paragraphs 1-9 of a letter from Katrina Percy to Sara Ryan, this post attempts to finish the rest of it. If you’d like to catch up before reading this, you can read the analysis of paras 1-3 here, then paras […]