Life after Bobby: Happy Birthday Dad

I’ve not blogged too regularly of late, I blame Social Care Curry Club, which has been a brilliant distraction and useful channel of so much energy. That said I felt like today warranted a post, as today is Dad’s 66th birthday. Well it would have been his 66th birthday but he died last year. Do […]

My 35 thousandth tweet

Unusually for me I didn’t check twitter the moment I woke up this morning, instead I visited the twitter website as soon as I turned my mac on. It was this that meant I spotted something quite surprising, to me at least – that last night I’d reached the (completely meaningless really) marker of 35k […]

Social media as a vehicle

Earlier this week I shared a post, and a slideshare, that was talking about why people need to start taking notice of socia media, if they’re not doing so already. This post shared some of the arguments given for ignoring social media and pointed out, quite simply, that the ostrich approach of head in sand […]