Phase 1: Australia and New Zealand

I can not tell you how lucky I feel to have been given the opportunity of a WCMT Fellowship. The chance to travel, to meet people and to spend time exploring an issue that has been a backdrop to my life for the past few years. I am ridiculously excited and very humbled. You can […]

How can we improve things 2 #CQCDeathsReview

A couple days ago I posted How can we improve things #CQCDeathsReview and wandered off twitter and email for 36 hours. It’s been a roller coaster week, bizarre in many ways, trying to keep on top of the media coverage since the review published, wanting to engage with people who offered their perspectives, and reeling […]

#CQCDeathsReview – Some initial thoughts

A couple of months ago I agreed to be a Special Advisor for the CQC on a thematic review that they are conducting, looking at how the NHS investigates deaths, and how (if?) they learn from these investigations. The decision to take on this role was not an easy one for me. For many months […]

Hidden in plain sight: outing the outlier argument #Mazars

There have been many responses to the leaked #Mazars review this week, with the vast majority being a mix of horror and disbelief. There are notable exceptions though that Sara has blogged about here Doubters, deniers and belieSHers. Sara touches on the ‘outlier argument’ which is what I want to focus on in a little more detail […]