Peter Seaby’s 2nd inquest “I have stood on my own in this”

Siobhan Cator, a former support worker at the Priory Oaks and Woodcroft home, gave evidence to the coroner today at Peter’s second inquest. She was questioned for 1hrs 45minutes by the coroner Jacqueline Lake, Mr Cridland for Peter’s family and Ms Sutton for the Priory Group. She ended her evidence with Ms Sutton asking her […]

Day 5 Gaia Pope Sutherland’s inquest – apathy and apology

When I’m reporting from an inquest I try to just share the testimony that’s given. Which is much easier with live tweeting because you don’t select any, I just splurge as much out there as possible and readers can make their own minds up. For Gaia’s inquest I’ve decided not to live tweet because I […]

Day 4 Gaia Pope Sutherland’s Inquest

This morning was the fourth day of Gaia’s inquest and the morning was taken up with one witness, Professor Matthew Walker, a Professor of Neurology at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London and at UCL. Most of the questioning came from counsel to the inquest, Sarah Clarke, and the Coroner. Professor Walker […]

Day 3 Gaia Pope Sutherland’s Inquest

This morning the jury at Gaia’s inquest heard from the pathologist, Dr Russell Delaney, who conducted her post mortem and ascertained her cause of death. Dr Delaney has been a Home Office Registered Pathologist since March 2009, and he undertook Gaia’s post mortem on 19 November 2017 at Holly Tree Lodge mortuary in Boscombe, Bournemouth. Senior Coroner Rachael […]

Day 2 Gaia Pope Sutherland’s Inquest

Gaia’s full inquest hearing was opened yesterday with a jury of thirteen sworn in to assist the Senior Coroner for Dorset, Rachael Griffin. The Coroner introduced in broad terms what happened to Gaia, I’m not sure anyone who has followed the pre-inquest review hearings would have necessarily learnt anything knew, but there’s coverage from Steven […]

Coco Bradford ~ Family Statement

28/01/2011-31/07/2017 Coco was the most perfect, precious little girl, who was at the centre of our family. She loved Justin Bieber and Little Mix, chocolate brownies and ice cream, and all things Disney especially Toy Story. Coco attended St Ives Infant School and was awaiting starting school full time when she died, aged just 6, in […]

Lifting expectations; a legacy for Danny Willgoss

As I sit trying to write this, to introduce you to Danny Willgoss, the poignancy of it being World Suicide Prevention Day is not lost on me. Danny was 25 when he died, his family believe by suicide, on Fathers’ Day in June 2018. Danny was autistic and we know that autistic people, without a […]

Exercising judicial discretion and the emergence of common sense

I’m going to try and keep this brief, a feat I rarely manage. Two weeks ago I had to travel from Devon to Kent to report on the third pre-inquest review hearing into the death of Sammy Alban-Stanley. I say I had to, I had applied to the court to attend via audio link and […]