Six months of crowdfunded #OpenJustice work

At the start of May I blogged about how I’d asked the kind souls who live on the internet to support me with my Open Justice work. I asked for help and you replied, with your cash and your words of support, and for that I’m still so very grateful. I wrote an update of […]

Beware of bees! Creative knowledge exchange and #JSWEC

Last week I had the absolute pleasure of attending #JSWEC, the joint social work education and research conference, for the fourth year running. #JSWEC jointly focuses, as the name suggests, on research (new findings, methodological issues, PhDs and Professional Doctorates in process etc) and education (initial social work education, post qualifying education, ongoing CPD and […]

A letter to my researcher friends

This format is one I’ve used on my personal blog a number of times, I write a letter to my niece each year on her birthday, so I thought I would try it here because what I have to say is personal opinion, gut not evidence, and reflections in response to a number of colleagues […]

Social media as a vehicle

Earlier this week I shared a post, and a slideshare, that was talking about why people need to start taking notice of socia media, if they’re not doing so already. This post shared some of the arguments given for ignoring social media and pointed out, quite simply, that the ostrich approach of head in sand […]