In praise of FOI Officers

This blog post is offered as a small attempt to focus and highlight a positive, at a time when it feels like the world could do with some more positivity, and evidence based fact. Last week I made 235 Freedom of Information requests. I know, I know, Jack Straw would be having a fit if he […]

Unofficial #NHS guide to all things inquest

Alternative title, not to be used publicly: how to protect your reputation at all costs When a patient dies  Don’t bother apologising or the family might get the wrong idea and try to sue us. Assign as much as possible to ‘natural causes’, especially if they’re using mental health services, have a physical disability or are learning […]

A year on from LB’s inquest: candour, contradictions and mother blaming #JusticeforLB

All week we’ve been sharing some of the lowlights from LB’s inquest a year ago. Sara has blogged about how this strange anniversary feels for her and the utter despair at the complete absence, still, of anything vaguely resembling accountability: I think my new tear configuration has (re) emerged because of the utterly shameful banality […]

Keep reaching, keep working, keep fighting #JusticeforLB

A couple of weeks ago I watched a documentary on Barack Obama’s time as President of the USA. I was in the US when he was elected and wrote about the power of hope and optimism on my personal blog as he campaigned for re-election four years later (as Dad was dying). The documentary clearly […]