When time is limited

When someone is told (or they decide) that their time is limited, at somewhere or something, I’ve observed an almost primal attempt to do more, fit more in, go further or faster, squeeze maximum effort into the remaining time; that or an almost instantaneous acceptance that time is limited so there’s not much point trying […]

The art of doing nothing

This weekend I intentionally made no plans, relishing the prospect of four whole days without a single commitment. The one exception to this is that I promised Mum and Dad that I would spend the night with them on Saturday. Dad started chemo on Wednesday and we’d been warned that this weekend would be a […]

It takes time

A couple weeks ago I had the pleasure of being on holiday in Beitostølen in Norway. I’ll do a post holiday reflection blog another time, but suspect it’ll be broadly similar to last year’s – which you can read here if you’re interested. In this post I wanted to share some sage advice that I was […]

Exploring London

I’m officially on holiday and am heading into London town to see what or who I can find to entertain myself! Am feeling much calmer than yesterday and far less angsty about the possibility that I’ll not get away on holiday; I’ve always believed that it is how you deal with situations in life that […]

A grounding experience

Photo by Josef.Stuefer So yesterday, if all had gone according to plan, I’d have flown to Canada for a conference. Right now those that made it (teams from Australia, Canada and Americe) will be getting up and ready for the day, I’ve spent the morning clearing an email backlog and am about to go and find […]

Best made plans

The best laid schemes o’ mice and men Gang aft a-gley; And leave us naught but grief and pain for promised joy As I type this I should be relaxing on a train winging its way to London to spend the night with friends before jumping on a tube up to Heathrow and checking in […]

Holiday packing

Photo by kennymatic Volcano dust permitting next week I will be at conference in Canada before ten days on a very long overdue, and desperately needed, holiday. So I have to take some work gear with me (laptop, couple papers, smartish clothes) and clothes for 10 days holiday; I’m deluding myself (am quite good at […]