A game of odds #cancer

A week ago I wrote a post explaining Dad’s latest situation with #cholangiocarcinoma Don’t give up the ship, fight her till she sinks. At the time we’d just seen his oncologist and heard the news that Dad’s one remaining option was to have chemotherapy in an attempt to stem the tumour in his stomach bleeding, which […]

Germ paranoia

My Mum and Dad had what I now consider to be an inspired approach to illness when I was a youngster…they did everything they could to ensure that as children we caught everything catchable, as young as possible! I had measles, whooping cough, chicken pox, you name it we’d be wheeled around to the neighbour’s […]

Here we go again

Earlier on this evening I blogged about my fitbit, my favourite latest toy. There’s been quite a lot of chat in my twitterstream this weekend about being healthy and exercising, not sure whether it’s the cold dry weather, just that time of year, the promise of Spring, the hopeful shedding of our winter layer of extra blubber […]

Fitbit – Jiminy Cricket on a belt clip

I got a fitbit for Christmas, it didn’t arrive until early January, but it was well worth the wait. I absolutely love it, in fact I think it’s one of the best pressies I’ve ever received…high praise indeed. A what I hear you ask? What is it? Why is it so cool? And why does […]

What makes you happy?

Am I happy? Yes. No. Maybe. Sometimes. Rarely. What makes me happy? Depends what mood I’m in. What the weather is like. If I’m hungry. Whether I’m working. Arrrgggggggggggh I don’t know, who cares anyway? I feel like I *should* be happy, I have a loving family,  great relationships and friendships, supportive networks, I’m healthy, I […]

Get up and run – for Sherry and yourself

As I was sat on my sofa today perusing twitter earlier I saw this tweet I followed the link and read Sherry Arnold’s story, just over a month ago Sherry went for an early morning run in Montana, a town where she lived with her husband and children and worked as a teacher. Sherry never […]

The ultimate recycling?

In Britain, there are currently over 10,000 people in need of an organ transplant. Each day three of them will die because of the lack of donors. Despite this, 15,000 people die each day in the UK. Only three of them will become organ donors. These statistics just don’t make sense to me. This morning I read an […]

When it’s good it’s very very good #NHS

The last few days Gran hasn’t been very well, I spent an hour with her and Grandad yesterday evening and she was perky, but not herself. Grandad spent the whole time just looking at her, wistfully, worrying but like he was drinking her in with his eyes. They’ve been together since they were children and […]

My mum – a post for #carersweek

Ma and Pa – Jan 2011 This post is dedicated to my mum. She is one of the 6million people in the UK who are carers, although it is only recently that she has come to consider herself as such. My mum lives next door to my grandparents who are both in their 90s, they live […]

CommonWEALTH perspective

This year the Commonwealth Games are being held in India, in fact they are due to start in just under 10 days. You can visit the XIX Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi website here. There has been lots of media coverage this week, which you would think was a good thing….except it has nearly all been ridiculously […]