Ongoing open justice work: can you spare £1 a month?

Still a bit shell shocked at the outcome of the HSE sentencing of Southern Health this week. You can catch up on the tweets @JusticeforLBHSE, the full judgement is available to read here and the family statement here. The HSE hearing was the fourth inquest or tribunal that I’ve live tweeted and as #JusticeforLB starts to […]

Failing hurts

I started writing this on a train to Bath where I’ve the absolute pleasure of spending the night with Rich Watts (my virtual twin) and his family, before heading into Bristol bright and early tomorrow for TEDxBristol. I’m really looking forward to tomorrow which will allow me to spend a whole day focusing on failure, […]

All you’re seeing is the tip of the iceberg!

A month or so ago I wrote about positive fundraising and a bit about crowd-funding on my work blog, you can read it here if you’re interested. It led to quite a lot of discussion on twitter about the role of positive and negative in getting attention to your product or brand, and also a […]