So long Sydney

This will be my final blog post from Antipodean soil. I had a few days in Sydney before flying home and managed to cram in some social and some craftivism, as well as in person meetings at Sydney Children’s Hospital and the Clinical Excellence Commission and two phone meetings, one with a bereaved family member […]

Actually bringing about change #CQCDeathsReview

I can’t believe that I’m writing this blog post. I can’t believe that anything I’m about to say should need saying, so I’m going to try and keep it short. I’ve written a couple of previous blogs about my experience of the #CQCDeathsReview and my last ended with a section that shared the header of […]

What the Donkey Sanctuary could teach the #NHS and #socialcare

Disclaimer: this blog post may just be a very simple cover to share pics of donkeys, but hopefully the words might make sense too, if not enjoy the donksĀ  I am very fortunate to live about half an hour from the Donkey Sanctuary headquarters at Sidmouth and consequently when I’m looking for a day out, […]