So long Sydney

This will be my final blog post from Antipodean soil. I had a few days in Sydney before flying home and managed to cram in some social and some craftivism, as well as in person meetings at Sydney Children’s Hospital and the Clinical Excellence Commission and two phone meetings, one with a bereaved family member […]

A hop to Hobart

Why are you going to Tassie? It’s been a frequent question on this trip and I’ll be honest I did start asking myself the same question when I realised the distance I was travelling for 2.5 days. When it came to planning my WCMT Fellowship I knew I wanted to visit the countries I’m visiting […]

#LearningFromDeaths – some background context

This quote was from a bereaved family member who spoke to me as part of the CQC Deaths Review. It is a conversation I have often ruminated on since we had it. A remarkably tenacious mother who had done everything in her power to get answers to what happened to her baby, and ensure that […]

Phase 1: Australia and New Zealand

I can not tell you how lucky I feel to have been given the opportunity of a WCMT Fellowship. The chance to travel, to meet people and to spend time exploring an issue that has been a backdrop to my life for the past few years. I am ridiculously excited and very humbled. You can […]

How can we improve things 2 #CQCDeathsReview

A couple days ago I posted How can we improve things #CQCDeathsReview and wandered off twitter and email for 36 hours. It’s been a roller coaster week, bizarre in many ways, trying to keep on top of the media coverage since the review published, wanting to engage with people who offered their perspectives, and reeling […]

#CQCDeathsReview – what families experience

The aspect of the #CQCDeathsReview that I’m most involved with focuses on the experience and treatment of families and bereaved relatives. This is the area that I’m most experienced in, and most interested in. It doesn’t come without some reservations and concerns though, some of which I’ve previously blogged here. I’m lucky because I have […]