Mia’s Inquest Day 2 – Dr O’Connell, The Children’s Trust (again)

We returned to Surrey Coroners Court on Wednesday 31 July for Day 2 of Mia Gauci Lamport’s inquest. Mia’s family and counsel for Bracknell Forest and The Children’s Trust were in court. I was attending remotely, so was not able to see who else was present in court. Dr John O’Connell who had given evidence […]

Mia’s Inquest – Dr John O’Connell, The Children’s Trust

The coroner called Dr John O’Connell to the stand after the mid morning break and he swore an oath. The coroner asked him to explain who he was and his qualifications. He told the court he was a consultant paediatrician. He had started as a general paediatrician, had worked for the NHS most of his […]