In praise of FOI Officers

This blog post is offered as a small attempt to focus and highlight a positive, at a time when it feels like the world could do with some more positivity, and evidence based fact. Last week I made 235 Freedom of Information requests. I know, I know, Jack Straw would be having a fit if he […]

Reflections on working with CQC on #CQCDeathsReview

In mid December 2016 the CQC Deaths Review was published. To coincide I published my own scoping review Family involvement in, and experience of, death investigations by the NHS and I blogged some initial thoughts about it here and some thoughts on potential learning here and here. I promised that I’d blog some thoughts about the experience […]

#CQCDeathsReview – Share Your Experience

A week or so ago I wrote a post introducing the Care Quality Commission Deaths Review and my initial thoughts about it. I’m not going to repeat it here, but please do go read it if you’re interested. The aspect of work I am most heavily involved with is looking to ensure families and bereaved relatives […]