Sally Lewis Inquest: Post mortem

Yesterday afternoon (Day 2), before calling another witness from Dimensions the coroner, Mr David Reid, summarised and read onto the record, the evidence from Sally’s post mortem conducted by Dr Terry Jones, who is a consultant histopathologist. The coroner said that Dr Jones had provided a report concerning his autopsy on Sally carried out on […]

Sally Lewis Inquest: Dr Williamson, Sally’s GP

Yesterday morning the court’s third witness was Dr Christopher Williamson. He told the court that he was a GP Partner at Churchfields Surgery, Bromsgrove and Sally registered with the GP practice in 2010. He had only met Sally on one occasion, for her learning disability review (which I assume to be their terminology for her […]

Sally Lewis Inquest: Sonia Parchment

The second witness called to give evidence on Day 2 of Sally’s inquest was Sonia Parchment. The coroner asked her a number of questions, and the sound was a bit intermittent but much better than the last witness. He started by asking whether she worked for Dimensions in October 2017, she did, whether she still […]

Sally Lewis Inquest: Day 2 (Susan Casey)

Yesterday’s evidence was given by Support Workers at Dimensions, this morning we heard from another two Dimensions Support Workers, the first of whom was Sally’s keyworker. Just a note on sound, the court are aware of the difficulties for those following on MS Teams, which includes Sally’s brother who lives overseas. The coroner, and counsel, […]

Sally Lewis Inquest: Day 1

Five and a half years after she died, the final inquest into the death of Sally Lewis got underway today at the Worcestershire Coroner’s Court in Stourport on Severn. David Reid, the Senior Coroner for Worcestershire, was sitting and there were six interested person’s legally represented in court. I was attending remotely via MS Teams. […]