Six months of crowdfunded #OpenJustice work

At the start of May I blogged about how I’d asked the kind souls who live on the internet to support me with my Open Justice work. I asked for help and you replied, with your cash and your words of support, and for that I’m still so very grateful. I wrote an update of […]

Why did people support the JusticeforLBGMC crowdfunding campaign?

When it became apparent that the GMC would bring a case to have Dr Valerie Murphy, LB’s consultant psychiatrist struck off the medical register, thoughts turned to whether we should live-tweet it. There’s more about my thinking here but essentially it came down to the opportunity to shine a light on these really rather murky […]

Honour and courage: welcoming Learning Disability England

I’ve been using Twitter to communicate, to share, to think, reflect and learn, in one way or another for almost eight years. I joined onĀ 8 September 2008 following an absolutely amazing weekend at the Do Lectures. You can find out when you joined if you’re interested by checking TwBirthday here, and you should definitely take […]

A good death, a bad death. It matters.

It’s 581 days since my Dad died and I can honestly say there is rarely a day that passes where I don’t have a fleeting thought of gratitude for Rowcroft Hospice, our local hospice who supported our family in Dad’s last year of life, especially in the weeks up to his death. I often think […]