Marcus Hanlin’s inquest – Nick Stevenson, Bristol City Council

After a mid morning break on Day 1 of Marcus’s inquest, Nick Stevenson was called to the stand. He gave an oath and confirmed his full name for the court’s record. He told the court that he was a qualified social worker and he was registered with Social Work England. “Unfortunately, I did not know […]

Marcus Hanlin’s inquest – Anna Rose

The coroner had earlier checked that Anna wished to read her statement to the court herself. She gave an affirmation and told the court that she was Marcus’s mother, and a retired teacher, lecturer and psychotherapist. She said that Marcus was a “beloved son” and a “beloved brother”. “He meant something very special to his […]

Marcus Hanlin Inquest – opening and GP’s evidence

Avon Coroner’s Court is situated next door to the old long stay institution in Bristol, Farleigh Hospital (now a local enterprise park, belying its history as one of the hospitals where an abuse scandal in the 70s led to the ultimate move to close long stay institutions). Court 1 has cream walls and a public […]

Fern Foster Inquest – Kieran Foster

The final witness that the court heard from on Day One of Fern’s inquest was her father, Kieran. The coroner thanked him for his detailed report with annexes, as part of his investigation. He said he believed the intention was that Kieran would read his statement, that we would hear that in its entirety and […]

Fern Foster Inquest – Max Newman

After lunch, and a technical delay, court resumed on the afternoon of Day One with Max Newman, Fern’s partner, giving his evidence to the court. The coroner apologised to the court, and Max in particular who he imagined had been gathering his thoughts for the delay, before Max swore an oath. Coroner: Afternoon to you, […]

Fern Foster Inquest – Rowan Foster

Before lunch on Day One Fern’s younger sister, Rowan, swore an oath and read her statement to the court. She said she was Fern’s younger sister by three years and that they were close growing up. She told the court that she was still young when Fern became unwell, and their relationship was complicated. She […]

Fern Foster Inquest – Dominique Jowett

After a short morning break on Day One of Fern’s inquest her mother, Dominique Jowett, gave her evidence to the court. The Senior Coroner Crispin Butler read Dominique’s statement to the court and onto the record, before then calling her to the witness box (which is actually a witness table in this court). In her […]

Fern Foster Inquest – Coroner’s opening and family’s pen portrait

Day one of Fern’s inquest was opened just after 10am at Beaconsfield Coroners Court by Senior Coroner Crispin Butler. There are seven interested person’s. Fern’s family are represented by Sam Jacobs, instructed by Merry Varney and Caleb Bawdon of Leigh Day and Fern’s partner Max Newman is represented by Freddy Powell instructed by Charlotte Haworth […]

Fern Foster

Fern was a quiet, thoughtful, introverted and unassuming individual who was never happier than when she was curled up with a book. Fern loved reading. She found peace and comfort in character’s lives, walking in their shoes, living in other fantasy universes. Fern was an excellent student and loved literature so much her dream was […]