September’s deathmaking

Eighteen months ago, in July 2022, I started curating on this website reports published by CQC into care and support for learning disabled and autistic people, that was rated as outstanding or inadequate. In this post I’ll share some of the recently published low lights. One of the things I feel that needs acknowledging before […]

Peter Seaby’s 2nd inquest – record keeping and decision making

There were so many issues that emerged during the court of Peter’s second inquest. I can’t blog about all of them, but I wanted to just focus on record keeping and decision making at Oaks & Woodcroft, before the final post which will focus on the Prevention of Future Deaths evidence given by the Director […]

Peter Seaby’s 2nd inquest – May 2018

I’ve written a number of posts reporting Peter’s second inquest now, a quick recap incase this is the first one you’re coming to. There’s one about how he came to be in the care of the Priory Group here, one about support worker Siobhan Cator and her understanding of 1-1 supervision and refusal to have […]

Peter Seaby’s 2nd inquest – April 2018

Peter’s Eating, Drinking and Swallowing Care Plan has been referenced throughout his second inquest (and was also a key feature of his first inquest). There’s a post detailing it’s content, how the Speech and Language Therapist Ms Debbage assessed his swallow, and the staff’s understanding of it here: Peter’s SALT plan ends with clear instructions […]

Peter Seaby’s 2nd inquest – how he came to be in the care of the Priory Group

In May 2018, almost 5 years ago, Peter Seaby died at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, following his admission the previous day from the Priory Group Oaks and Woodcroft care home in Dereham, Norfolk. His cause of death was aspiration pneumonia. In August 2021 Peter’s first inquest took place. I spoke to his sister […]

Dying to matter #WCMTLD

I spent today, International Day of People with Disability 2017, in Brisbane. Well that’s not strictly true, I spent some of it in Brisbane, some of it travelling to the Gold Coast and a significant chunk of it having an incredibly pleasurable lunch and walk on the beach/paddle in the shallows and chat with Sally […]