Life after Bobby: Life Journeys

Today it’s two years since my Dad died, a marker of sorts, just another day, and an anniversary all at once. I’m never quite sure how to mark anniversaries, does your death day deserve a celebration? In a culture that so readily celebrates birth days, why not death days too? I mused this quite a […]

In sickness and in health

Yesterday was my parent’s Ruby Wedding Anniversary, 40 years of togetherness, in sickness and in health, till death do us part….and therein lies the rub, I guess technically it wasn’t their 40th anniversary because my Dad died last November. Do you stop being married when one of you dies, obviously legally you do, but do […]

Week One – Postcards via Twitter

This year I decided that I’d send more post, in the form of letters, postcards and birthday cards. I wanted a New Years Resolution that wasn’t just about my own self, hence the Postcards by Twitter idea. I’ve sent 10 items so far, across the country, have received one postcard back (which was never part […]