Ask without shame #OpenJustice

A couple of months ago my big bruv was visiting my Mum (we live next door to each other) and he popped in, sort of uninvited one evening, in the way your big bro never needs an invite. This was cool, until he sat on the sofa like the ghost of my father, and launched […]

A month to go #hairhack

If you missed it at the weekend an amazing thing happened and Amanda Palmer, musician, connector, gracious lovely person shared my blog post on facebook with her fans, adding a commentary and exploring the point I made in the last post about people choosing to focus on her eyebrows, rather than her talk. I added […]

Asking for help

I watched a TED talk by Amanda Palmer last week, it was doing the rounds on facebook in one of those articles that is guaranteed to put me off! Enough people I respect commented or shared it for my interest to be peaked and I’m really glad I watched it. I would highly recommend the […]