
I wanted to record some random thoughts generated through the exceptional Disability Matters Conference. You can visit the conference website here and see what was covered. I can honestly say its been a long time since I’ve been at such an eclectic and authentic conference. The three days brought together disabled people and self advocates, […]

How can we improve things #CQCDeathsReview

This is a bold title on this blog post, and I’m sitting her before 7am, before coffee, the day after the #CQCDeathsReview published tapping my keyboard – so bear with me, hopefully the discussion and comments will add to whatever I can offer. At the last ERG (Expert Reference Group) someone raised the concern that once […]

Life after Bobby: I’m free

I’m a member of a very small club that I really wouldn’t want any of you to be members of. That ‘club’ that exists only in loose tweets or sharing of experience, and is no way a club in the true sense of the word, is made up of people who have all felt the […]

Twitter etiquette MT – the responses

Earlier today I posted a blog post about modified tweets, MTs. What followed surprised me no end, there was a really engaging conversation on Twitter. Lots of people agreeing, disagreeing, asking for more information, offering alternative views. I’ve done by best to capture the thoughts that people offered and group them according to themes: How […]

Twitter etiquette – modify this? #MT

I’ve been blogging recently on this site about social media and how it can support engagement if done well. This morning I posted a slightly ranty tweet that went as follows: This wasn’t particularly subtle, it wasn’t meant to be. It also wasn’t actually directly at one individual in their own right, but a small […]

We shall not cease from exploration

It’s almost nine years ago that I had my PhD Viva, bits of it I remember like it was yesterday, lots of it I couldn’t recall if my life depended on it. In fact, if I’m really honest I think I could say the same about my PhD itself. I was reading a news story […]