Honour and courage: welcoming Learning Disability England

I’ve been using Twitter to communicate, to share, to think, reflect and learn, in one way or another for almost eight years. I joined onĀ 8 September 2008 following an absolutely amazing weekend at the Do Lectures. You can find out when you joined if you’re interested by checking TwBirthday here, and you should definitely take […]

The moment of truth #hairhack

Wow, what a day. I pride myself on being quite good with words, they’re my preferred tool, and usually I can sit down, think for a moment and the fingers just start typing and the words come. Not today. Today I can’t find the right words, or rather I can find the words, but not […]

Is social media really disrupting leadership?

This post is really a note to self and shared to gather input and feedback, partly because I fear the limitations of 140 on twitter may misrepresent me, and partly because I usually find that blogging something helps straighten my thoughts. I’m speaking at National Care Forum’s annual conference #NCF2014 this week and my session […]

Empathy, pain and action

I’m struggling to know where to start with this blog post, which if I’m honest doesn’t happen to me very often. I’m usually blessed with the ability to sit down at my keyboard, churn out words for a wee while and then sit back and edit it into something coherent. Today I’ve been procrastinating for […]