I do not have an extensive biography for Shane as I was unable to connect with his family and speak to them before his inquest; for that same reason I chose not to live tweet it, instead blogging. We did learn during the course of Shane’s inquest that he had Sotos Syndrome, learning disabilities and scoliosis, although he’d undergone surgery to correct the curvature of his spine in 2010 which had been successful. The coroner in his summing up referred to his GP, one of the witnesses on Monday, describing Shane as “a lovely boy”.
The coroner concluded:
The deceased died from multi organ failure caused by cardio respiratory arrest due to increased pressure on the lungs from abdominal distention. The distension was caused by longstanding chronic constipation and fluid build up from his laxative treatment.
This was the final exchange at Shane’s inquest:
Coroner: I know it was 5 years ago but I’m sure he burns bright in your hearts nevertheless.
Grandfather: Just wanted to say from family who’s lost a dear member of the family, it’s comforting to know in the future, there might be some development so would stop, so wouldn’t have same situation again, so different rules or conditions to follow. It’s comforting for family to know some action may be taken in the future.
Coroner: Of course, it’s part of the coronial process, I do think the Health Board are proactive in doing that, regardless of whether failings are found. I do find them proactive, regardless of whether criticism made or not. It’s very good benefit for the whole system, and I’m pleased to hear you take some comfort from that. Thank you.