CQC inadequate care for learning disabled and autistic people

Rated inadequate in October 2024

Archived/Closed down

The Care Centric Group Ltd, HLC Care Agency, Gravesend (21 October 2024) “We took urgent enforcement action and cancelled the registration of The Care Centric Group Ltd on 23 August 2024 for failing to meet the regulations related to safe care and treatment, safeguarding, staffing, fit and proper persons, person centred care and good governance at HLC Care Agency”

Rated inadequate in September 2024

The Care Centric Group Ltd, HLC Care Agency, Gravesend (“We found people were at risk of harm. The provider had failed to safeguard people from potential harm and or abuse. People’s health risks had not been well managed or mitigated. Safe recruitment processes had not been followed, for example the registered manager had not obtained relevant right to work checks and references for all staff. People’s care and support plans did not meet their needs and were not person centred. The service was not well led: there was a lack of governance processes such as audits in place. The registered manager had not ensured there was learning from the previous inspection and had not been able to evidence there were any improvements from last inspection. We identified widespread and serious concerns throughout the service that the provider had not identified which left people at risk of harm. We identified 8 breaches of the legal regulations in relation to safe care and treatment, safeguarding, staffing, fit and proper persons employed, governance, person centred care, failure to notify of incidents and failure to display ratings at the registered office. We took urgent action following the assessment to prevent the provider from accepting new care packages without the written permission of CQC”).

Boulevard Care Ltd, Welham House, Spilsby, Lincolnshire (“We took urgent enforcement action to close a service of Boulevard Care Limited on 18 June 2024. There were significant breaches of 7 regulations at the assessment of this service, in relation to safe care and treatment, safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment, person centred care, dignity and respect, premises and the governance of the service at Welham House”. Service was closed down in June 2024)

Archived/Closed down

Leonard Cheshire Disability, Westwinds – Care Home Learning Disabilities, Reigate, Surrey (6 September 2024)

Rated inadequate in August 2024

Community Integrated Care, Martindale Road, Hounslow (“We conducted the visit in relation to concerns we had received about staff not following best practice guidance. During the assessment we found evidence of these concerns as well as other concerns. The last rating for this service was requires improvement (published 24 September 2022). At this assessment we found the rating for this service is now inadequate … The service was not able to demonstrate how they were meeting all the underpinning principles of right support, right care, right culture. We identified breaches of 6 Regulations of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 relating to person-centred care, dignity and respect, safe care and treatment, safeguarding service users from abuse, staffing and good governance. This service is being placed in special measures”).

Boulevard Care Ltd, Link House, Withern, Lincolnshire (“We carried out an assessment of this service between 25 June 2024 and 5 July 2024, we carried out an unannounced visit to the service on 25 June 2024. This assessment was carried out as we received concerns about the provider of this location. Link House is a residential home, for up to 8 people. At the time of our assessment 8 people were using the service. The home specialises in the care of adults under the age of 65 with a learning disability and or autistic people. Medicines were not safely managed and although people and their relatives told us they felt safe using the service, we found not enough had been done to protect people from abuse and their were significant shortfalls in the governance and management oversight of Link House. We found 6 breaches of regulation at the assessment of this service, in relation to safe care and treatment, safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment, the need for consent, person centred care, dignity and respect and the governance of the service”). 

Ambient Support Ltd, East Anglia Domiciliary Care Branch, Norwich (“East Anglia Domiciliary Care Branch is a domiciliary care service, who provide care and support to people living with a learning disability in their own homes in Norfolk and Suffolk. We carried out this as assessment in response to concerns we had about risks within the service. At the time of our assessment 48 people were using the service… People were not supported to live independent lives. Risks were not well managed. The provider did not have appropriate systems in place to ensure people were protected from the risk of abuse. There were not always sufficient levels of staff deployed to ensure safety of care. Staff were not sufficiently trained to meet the needs of people. People were not always given choices around their care. There was a lack of management and provider oversight to review shortfalls of care to make improvements. The provider did not focus on people’s quality of life and care delivery was not person-centred. The provider and staff did not recognise how to promote people’s rights, choices and independence. There were 7 breaches identified in safe care and treatment, person-centred care, dignity and respect, safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment, the need for consent, staffing and good governance”).

Accomplish / Westhope Ltd, Westhope Place, Horsham (The assessment was prompted in part by notification of an incident following which a person using the service died. This incident is subject to further investigation by CQC as to whether any regulatory action should be taken. CQC found found four breaches of the legal regulations in relation to safeguarding, safe care and treatment, person-centred care and governance. “Risks to people were not adequately identified or managed. People’s health and welfare were not managed safely. People were not consistently protected from abuse and improper treatment. Staff did not identify self-injuries as potential abuse. Staff did not always support people with medicines safely. People were not supported in line with Right support, Right care, Right culture guidelines in providing care and support which is person-centred, planned, proactive and coordinated. Governance measures were not effective in identifying service shortfalls and failed to assess, monitor and mitigate risks relating to people’s health, safety and welfare”). 

Leonard Cheshire Disability, Westwinds – Care Home Learning Disabilities, Reigate, Surrey (Dec/Jan visit: “We completed this assessment because we received concerns from partners who had visited the service in relation to the safety and quality of care provided. Westwinds – Care Home Learning Disabilities is registered to provide accommodation and personal care for people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people. The overall rating for the service is now inadequate. People were at increased risk of harm. Significant risks related to people’s care were not always identified and measures were not put in place. People did not always receive person-centred care and were not always treated with dignity and respect. There were not always sufficient staff to meet people’s needs. The provider’s systems, processes and practices to make sure people are protected from abuse and neglect were not effective. The providers governance and management systems were not effective and did not help improve the service”). 

Community Integrated Care, Martindale Road, Hounslow (CQC conducted the visit in relation to concerns they received about staff not following best practice guidance. During the assessment they found evidence of those concerns as well as other concerns. The last rating for this service was requires improvement (published 24 September 2022). At this assessment CQC found the rating for this service is now inadequate).

Rated inadequate in July 2024

Nexus Programme Limited, The Hall, Hamstreet, Ashford (CQC identified 9 breaches of the legal regulations in relation to a lack of person-centred care, the need for consent, safe care and treatment, safeguarding, good governance, staffing, fit and proper persons employed, duty of candour, and notification of other incidents. They took urgent action to prevent the provider from allowing anyone to move into the service. They placed conditions on the providers registration for them to send weekly action plans advising them how they planned to improve the service).

Suncare Recovery Limited, Two Rivers Care Home, Finchley (8 breached in November 2023. At this inspection on 22 February to 1 March 2024 CQC found only marginal improvements, the provider had not taken effective action and made significant improvements to the quality of the care people received. CQC found 5 breaches in relation to keeping people safe, protecting people from abuse, not ensuring staff were trained and competent, and poor quality checking to ensure the staff, managers, and the provider was providing a good service to people. The provider was still not following statutory guidance, Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture).

Fitzroy Support, The Pastures, Hales, Norfolk (Focused inspection prompted due to safegarding concerns. Re-rated from good to inadequate)

Exclusive Care Services, Dartford (CQC found 7 breaches of the legal regulations in relation to safeguarding, safe care and treatment, staffing, dignity and respect, person centred care, notifications and governance. They took urgent action to prevent the provider from re-admitting people back into the service and from taking on new packages of care. Service archived on 14 May 2024. Provider changed location but same rating applies)

Rated inadequate in June 2024

Achieve Together, Cherrycroft, Westcliff on Sea (February 2024 report updated with enforcement action: warning notices)

Adelaide Care Limited, Greenways, Copthorne, Crawley (CQC issued Warning Notices to Adelaide Care Limited on 28 March 2024 for failing to meet the regulations relating to safe care, safe staffing deployment and safeguarding at Greenways).

Archived/Closed down

Boulevard Care Ltd, Welham House, Spilsby, Lincolnshire (25 June 2024 following urgent action by CQC)

Rated inadequate in May 2024

Care @ Rainbow’s End, Nottingham (July 2023 report updated with enforcement action: We are in the process of writing an NoP for slow closure)

Adopt Healthcare Ltd, Leeds (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

Alderwood L.L.A. Limited, Cransley, Kettering (Inspections prompted in part due to concerns received about management, safeguarding and staffing. Re-rated from Good to Inadequate)

Archived/closed down

Exclusive Care Services, Dartford (14 May 2024, re-opened at new location)

Rated inadequate in April 2024

Cygnet Healthcare Ltd, Cygnet Hospital Wyke, Bradford (Service placed into special measures as result of two inadequate ratings in two consecutive inspections).

Divinus Support, Brandon (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to – archived 2 April)

Visionshealthcare Ltd, Newmarket (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

Disablement Association of Barking and Dagenham, Essex (January 2024 report updated with enforcement action – warning notices issued)

Living Glory Social Care, Birmingham (Full inspection prompted in part due to concerns CQC received about staffing, poor care practices, missed, short or late call times, and poor medicines management. Re-rated from Good to Inadequate)

Sentricare Birmingham, Birmingham (Dec 2022 inspection report published following Care Standards Tribunal Hearing which allowed Sentricare’s appeal in March 2024 – I’ll write more about this when I have time. Inadequate in every domain).

Lifeways Orchard Care Ltd, 202 Weston Road, Stoke on Trent (Focused inspection prompted in part due to concerns CQC received about people’s safety, staff training and oversight. Re-rated from Good to Inadequate)

Archived/closed down

Divinus Support, Brandon (2 April 2024)

Rated inadequate in March 2024

Safe Hands Home Care Ltd, Killingworth, Newcastle (Full inspection, to check follow up actions from June 2023 inspection. Re-rated from Requires Improvement to Inadequate)

24/7 Flex Care Ltd, Leicester (May 2023 inspection to check follow up actions from October 2022, remained in breach. Inadequate. Closed down February 2024)

Alternative Futures Group Limited, Naylorsfield and Hartsbourne, Liverpool (Focused inspection prompted by a review of the information CQC held about the service, prompted in part due to concerns received about the service in terms of restrictions. Re-rated from Good to Inadequate)

Five Rivers Living LTD, Five Rivers Living, Leicester (January 2023 inspection prompted by CQC receiving concerns in relation to care plans and risk assessments not containing up to date information to guide staff how best to care for people and mental capacity act assessments not always being in place. Breaches of legal requirements were found in earlier inspection on 5 April 2022. Focused inspection to check they had followed their action plan and now (January 2023) met legal requirements. Re-rated Requires Improvement to Inadequate and CQC issued a Notice of Proposal to cancel the registration of the provider and registered manager. Archived July 2023 and now registered to Richan Care (Midlands) Limited).

Lifeways Orchard Care Limited, 202 Weston Road, Stoke on Trent (Focused inspection prompted in part due to concerns received about people’s safety, staff training and oversight. Re-rated from Good to Inadequate)

Roop Cottage Residential Home, Pontefract (The inspection was prompted due to concerns received about people being unkempt and remaining in their rooms, poor management of choke risks, dietary needs, weight loss, diabetes, pressure care, privacy, dignity and cleanliness of the environment. Re-rated from Requires Improvement to Inadequate)

Reed Care Homes Ltd, Nayland Lodge, Colchester (In special measures/inadequate since Dec 2022. CQC undertook this focused inspection to confirm the provider now met legal requirements. They did not, remains inadequate)

Rated inadequate in February 2024

Comfort Zone Care Services, Luton (The inspection was prompted due to concerns received from the local authority and police about modern day slavery. For example, poor working conditions and exploitation of some care staff recruited from overseas. There is an ongoing police investigation into these concerns. On the day of the inspection the local authority cancelled their contract with the provider with immediate effect. Everyone who received support from Comfort Zone Care Services began to receive their care and support from other home care agencies. This included people who paid privately for their support. The overall rating for the service has changed from ‘Good’ to ‘Insufficient evidence to rate’ based on the findings of this inspection. – NB Insufficient evidence not inadequate)

Assure HealthCare Group (South) Ltd, Willow Brook, Fareham (Focused inspection prompted in part due to concerns CQC received regarding a person using the service who sustained a serious injury. This matter is subject to further investigation by CQC. The information shared with CQC indicated potential concerns around the timeliness of seeking medical intervention. This inspection examined those risks and widened scope to include the key questions of effective. Re-rated from Good to Inadequate)

FitzRoy Support, The Pastures, Norfolk (Focused inspection prompted due to concerns CQC received in relation to safeguarding concerns. Re-rated from Good to Inadequate)

Lifeways Rose Care and Support Limited, Rosekeys, Doncaster (Focused inspection prompted due to concerns CQC received in relation to incident reporting, safeguarding, governance and staffing. CQC inspected and found there was a concern with deprivation of liberty (DoLS), so widened the scope of the inspection to include the key questions of effective. Re-rated from Good to Inadequate)

Mrs Philomena Chikwendu Okoron-Kwo, Fouracres Care Services, Enfield (Inspection prompted in part due to concerns received about the management of people’s personal finances. Re-rated from Good to Inadequate).

Essex Care Consortium Limited, Essex Care Consortium – Colchester (Updated with enforcement action. CQC issued an urgent Notice of Decision to impose conditions on the provider’s and registered manager’s registration).

Michael Batt Foundation, St Judes, Plymouth (CQC undertook a focused inspection to review the key questions of safe and well-led only. Further concerns and risks were identified so a decision was made to include the key question of effective. Re-rated from Good to Inadequate).

Beechdene Care Home, Mansfield (Updated with enforcement action. CQC imposed urgent conditions on the providers registration requiring them to take action to improve the safety of the care home)

Achieve Together, Cherrycroft, Westcliff-on-Sea (Inspection prompted by concerns CQC received in relation to staffing, medicines, risk, safeguarding, and governance. Focused inspection, extended to comprehensive. Re-rated from good to inadequate)

Alderwood L.L.A. Limited, Cransley (Inspection prompted in part due to concerns CQC received about management, safeguarding and staffing. Full inspection, re-rated from good to inadequate)

Assure HealthCare Group (South) Ltd, Willow Brook (Focused inspection prompted in part by information CQC received about an incident following which a person using the service sustained a serious injury. Re-rated from good to inadequate).

Archived/closed down

24/7 Flex Care Ltd, Leicester (22 February 2024)

Rated inadequate in January 2024

R G Care Ltd, The Farmhouse, Hornchurch (Inspection prompted in part due to concerns CQC received about an incident following which a person using the service sustained a serious injury. Targeted inspection so no change to rating, remains inadequate).

Reed Care Homes Ltd, St Andrews Lodge, Colchester (Focused inspection prompted by a review of the information CQC held about the service. Re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate).

Disablement Association of Barking and Dagenham, Essex (Inspection prompted in part due to concerns CQC received about unsafe care , care plans, staffing and safeguarding concerns. Full inspection, re-rated from good to inadequate).

Mitchell’s Care Homes Limited, Nutbush Cottage, Horley, Surrey (Inspection to follow up on actions told to take after July 2023 inspection. Full inspection, remains inadequate).

Mitchell’s Care Homes Limited, Rainscombe Bungalow, Smallfield, Surrey (Inspection to follow up on actions told to take after June 2023 inspection. Full inspection, remains inadequate).

Mrs Anne Elizabeth Barrows, Nak Centre, Truro (Focused inspection prompted in part due to concerns about people’s safety, staffing and leadership. A person using the service was placed at significant harm. Re-rated from good to inadequate).

Beechdene Care Home, Mansfield (Inspection prompted in part due to concerns about environmental safety and staffing levels. Concerns were raised with CQC by external stakeholders and members of the public. Due to be focused inspection but expanded once started).

Essex Care Consortium Limited, Essex Care Consortium – Colchester (Focused inspection prompted in part by notification of an incident following which a person using the service died. Re-rated from good to inadequate).

Oasis Care and Training Agency (OCTA), OASIS West London Office, Ealing (Inspection prompted in part due to concerns received about staffing. Re-rated from good to inadequate).

Cima Care Consortium Ltd, 41 West Hill, Skegby (Focused inspection. Re-rated from good to inadequate. Enforcement action – warning notice issued).

Collaborative Care Solutions Limited, Collaborative Care Solutions, Slough (Previously registered as Collaborative Care Solutions Ltd, 61 Langley Road, Slough which closed in Feb 2023 and re-registered to this address. Provider remains in breach of regulations. Enforcement action – conditions imposed on registration).

Dolphin Homes Ltd, Beachview, Middleton on Sea (Appears no change since Sept 2023 publication)

Consensus Support Services Limited, Harvey Lane, Norwich (Inspection prompted in part due to concerns received about the management of risk to people’s safety, medicines, and staffing. Re-rated from good to inadequate).

MMCG (2) Limited, Minster Grange Care Home, York (Focused inspection, prompted in part due to concerns CQC received about staffing levels and the quality of care delivered. Re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate).

Archived/closed down

MMCG (2) Limited, Minster Grange Care Home, York (15 January 2024)

Rated inadequate in December 2023

Maple Health UK Limited, Maple Lodge, Colchester (Focused inspection, prompted in part due to concerns of unauthorised restraint in ‘sister’ service – there are 5 houses in the same cul de sac, all registered separately. Re-rated from good to inadequate).

Maple Health UK Limited, Maple View, Colchester (Focused inspection, prompted in part due to concerns of unauthorised restraint in ‘sister’ service – there are 5 houses in the same cul de sac, all registered separately. Re-rated from good to inadequate).

Mrs Hazel Teresa Boam, Masson House, Matlock, Derbyshire (Targeted inspection, on 8 November 2023, to check whether the provider had complied with the urgent conditions CQC imposed on their registration on 3 October 2023. The imposed conditions restricted the admission, or readmission, of people to the care home; and required the provider send CQC evidence of specified improvement actions having been completed, by the dates listed in the conditions notice. CQC suspended the provider’s registration until 2 February 2024. Service closed down 6 December 2023)

The Turning Point Project Ltd, Jaden House, Southampton (Focused inspection, re-rated from good to inadequate. Warning notices issued).

Mountdale Limited, Mountdale Nursing Home, Leigh on Sea, Essex (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

Eeze Old School House Ltd, The Old School House, Telford (CQC issued the provider with a warning notice giving them 14 days to make the necessary improvements and to be compliant with the law).

Durbia Limited, Durbia Healthcare Ltd, Nottingham (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to).

Riverside Healthcare Limited, Cheswold Park Hospital (27 Sept 2023 Served fixed penalty notice for failing to comply with condition of registration to have a registered manager – fine paid £4,000. Hospital rated inadequate and placed in special measures).

R G Care Ltd, The Farmhouse, Hornchurch (Inspection prompted in part by notification of a specific incident following which a person using the service sustained a serious harm. This incident is subject to a criminal investigation. Re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate, remains in breach of Regulations 12, 13, 17 and 18 for second time. Requirement notices served).

Boulevard Care Limited, Welham House, Spilsby, Lincolnshire (Inspection prompted in part due to concerns received about allegations of abuse within the home. Re-rated from good to inadequate. Conditions imposed).

Perfect Care Solutions UK Ltd, Dartford, Kent (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to. Service registered 3 October 2019, first inspection May 2023, CQC took action to cancel registration. Service archived December 2023).

John-Edwards Care Homes Ltd, Bows, Trowbridge (Inspection (May 2023) prompted in part due to concerns CQC received about low staffing numbers which was preventing people from going out into the community, a person’s seizure not being managed safely and poor maintenance in bathrooms. They found evidence to substantiate some of the concerns received. Re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate. CQC served a Notice of Decision to remove the location from the providers registration. Service closed December 2023).

St Anne’s Community Services – York DCA (Inspection prompted due to concerns about safeguarding and record keeping. Focused inspection on two domains extended to four domains. Re-rated from good to inadequate).

Archived/closed down

Mrs Hazel Teresa Boam, Masson House, Matlock, Derbyshire (6 December 2023)

Perfect Care Solutions UK Ltd, Dartford, Kent (6 December 2023)

John-Edwards Care Homes Ltd, Bows, Trowbridge (5 December 2023)

Rated inadequate in November 2023

Maple Health UK Limited, Maple House, Colchester (Inspection prompted in part due to concerns received about the unsafe use of physical restraint. Re-rated from good to inadequate)

Suncare Recovery Limited, Two Rivers Care Home, Finchley (Inspection prompted by a notification of an incident following which a person using the service sustained a serious injury. Re-rated from good (May 2023) to inadequate (Nov 2023). Warning notices issued).

Ashfield Care Homes Limited, Ashley, Hampshire (Focused inspection, re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate)

Divinus Support Limited, Divinus Support Ltd, Brandon (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

SMS Care Ltd, 17a Gorse Road, Blackburn (June 2023 inspection following up from previous inadequate rating in January 2023. Regulatory enforcement action was taken (a notice of proposal to cancel the registration), no representation or appeals were received as a result of this action. CQC therefore cancelled the providers registration. Archived November 2023).

Visionshealthcare Limited, Visionshealthcare Ltd, Newmarket (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

Archived/closed down

SMS Care Ltd, 17a Gorse Road, Blackburn (2 November 2023)

My Homecare, Reading (3 November 2023)

Rated inadequate in October 2023

Sandylane Limited, Sandy Lane Hotel, Bridlington, Humberside (Previous inspection was an unannounced focused inspection on 15 June 2022. Breaches of legal requirements were found. This focused inspection, in April 2023, was carried out to follow up on action CQC told the provider to take at the last inspection regarding fit and proper persons employed, to check they had followed their action plan and to confirm they now met legal requirements. They had been rated inadequate for the last 3 consecutive inspections. CQC proposed to vary a condition on the provider’s registration due to the lack of improvements to the service and delivering a poor-quality service. Archived October 2023)

Mrs Susan Kay Hardman, Luke’s Place, Luton (Updated Feb 2023 report with enforcement action: CQC cancelled provider and registered manager registrations. Archived September 2023).

Falcon Care Agency Ltd, Leicester (Re-rated from good to inadequate. CQC took urgent action and suspended the provider’s registration for a period of time).

Independent Excel Care Consortium Ltd, IECC Care, Colchester (Focused inspection was extended to full inspection, re-rated from good to inadequate. Warning notices issued)

Achieve Together, Highbury House, Shrewsbury (Focused inspection, re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate)

Avenues South East, 1-3 Emily Jackson Close, Sevenoaks, Kent

Mr Canabady Mauree, Boundary House, Felthorpe, Norwich (Special measures since 21 Dec 2021, focused inspection to check progress Jan 2023 – Following this inspection CQC took action to cancel the provider’s registration. Archived October 2023).

Randomlight Ltd, St Nicholas Care Home, Bootle (Brocklebank House: Inspection prompted by safety incident. Enforcement action – warning notices)

Auckland Care Ltd, Auckland House, Southsea (Inspection Dec 2022, report published Oct 2023. Service archived July 2023)

Cygnet Hospital Harrow

PLL Business Solutions Limited, PLL Care Services, Witney

Cera Homecare Ltd, Cera Prescot, St Helens (Updated with enforcement action – warning notices)

Potensial Ltd, Middleton Lodge, Darlington

Michael Batt Foundation, Domiciliary Care Services, Plymouth (Inspection prompted by information shared with CQC about series incidents in which a person using the service sustained a serious injury. Focused inspection was extended to full inspection)

Reed Care Homes Ltd, Nayland Lodge, Colchester (Targeted inspection – remains inadequate. Special measures since Dec 2022)

Iconia House Limited, Iconia Grays, Egham (CQC’s regulatory response to the serious concerns found was to cancel the providers registration – Inspection June 2023, archived October 2023)

Care Network Solutions Limited, Avon Lodge and Avon Lodge Annex, Harrogate (Focused inspection – re-rerated from requires improvement to inadequate)

Mrs Jennifer Grego, Swanrise, Great Yarmouth (Focused inspection April 2023 – re-rerated from requires improvement to inadequate. CQC issued a Notice of Proposal to vary the conditions of the providers registration so they were no longer authorised to carry on providing services at Swanrise. They received no representations from the provider, so issued a Notice of Decision. This means the service is no longer in operation. Archived 10 August 2023)

Spring Healthcare Limited, Bolton (Special measures 25/11/22, still inadequate Oct 2023. Enforcement action taken – cancellation of provider and registered manager’s registrations to provide and manage the regulated activity – closed down. Archived 6 October 2023).

Linkage Community Trust, The Phoenix, Lincoln (Updated with enforcement action – warning notices)

Sentricare Ltd, Sentricare Homecare, Birmingham

Cera Homecare Ltd, Cera Prescot, St Helens

Closed down/archived

Lifeways Community Care, Warwickshire and Coventry (26 October 2023)

Atlantis Medicare Limited, Lyndhurst Residential Care Home, Middleton, Manchester (25 October 2023)

Mr Canabady Mauree, Boundary House, Felthorpe, Norwich (19 October 2023)

Home Group Limited, Nicholas House, St Albans (12 October 2023)

Sandylane Limited, Sandy Lane Hotel, Bridlington, Humberside (11 October 2023)

Iconia House Limited, Iconia Grays, Egham (10 October 2023)

Spring Healthcare Limited, Bolton (4 October 2023)

Rated inadequate in September 2023

Leonard Cheshire, St Michael’s Care Home with Nursing (Second targeted inspection report published this month – remains inadequate)

CareTech Community Services Ltd, 196 High Street, Rickmansworth

Modus Care Ltd, Carrick, Truro (In September 2022 the provider was asked by the Local Authority to take over the care and support at this location from another provider, the care transferred to the new provider in November 2022. Inspection July 2023, published September 2023. Remains inadequate, enforcement action taken – warning notice)

SMS Care Ltd, 17a Gorse Road, Blackburn

Potensial Ltd, Middleton Lodge, Darlington

Dolphin Homes Ltd, Beachview, Middleton on Sea (Updated with enforcement action)

SENSE Tanglewood, Malvern

Better Healthcare Services Ltd, Bedford (Focused inspection – remained inadequate. CQC imposed conditions on their registration. Closed down in August 2023)

Supported Living UK, Foxhills Farm, Fareham (Focused inspection – remains inadequate. Inspection June and July 2023, service archived August 2023, report published September 2023)

Achieve Together, Arundel House, Frinton on Sea (Targeted inspection – remains inadequate)

Leonard Cheshire, St Michael’s Care Home with Nursing (Targeted inspection prompted by an unexpected death – remains inadequate)

Living Ambitions Ltd, 231 Stafford Road, Wallington (Updated with enforcement action – warning notice)

Care Solutions Recruitment Agency Ltd, Manchester (Updated with enforcement action – registration cancelled. Service archived Sept 2023)

Conifers Residential Care Home, Rushden (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to. Updated with enforcement action – varied registration. Service archived Sept 2023)

Archived/closed down

Mrs Susan Kay Hardman, Luke’s Place, Luton (28 September 2023)

Aaron House Care Ltd, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire (28 September 2023)

Green Square Accord, High Mount, Telford (26 September 2023)

St Bennett’s Care Home, Leicester (14 September 2023)

Care Solutions Recruitment Agency Ltd, Manchester (6 September 2023)

Conifers Residential Care Home, Rushden (6 September 2023)

Precious Homes, St Albans, Hertfordshire (5 September 2023)

Leonard Cheshire, Greenhill House, Bath (5 September 2023)

Rated inadequate in August 2023

Home Group Limited, Nicholas House, St Albans (Full inspection, inadequate every domain. Follow up to Sept 2022 inspection that rated remains improvement and in breach of regulations. Provider chose to close service. Archived Oct 2023)

Conifers Residential Care Home, Rushden (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

Pennine Camphill Community, Wakefield (Targeted inspection – remains inadequate)

Elstow Lodge, Bedford

Valorum Care Ltd, White Windows, Sowerby Bridge

Blue Sky Care Ltd, Richmond Lodge, Kirkby in Ashfield (Focused inspection – remained inadequate – enforcement action taken to vary provider’s registration. Archived Aug 2023)

Seahaven Care Home, South Shields (Focused inspection widened to comprehensive)

Ashview House Ltd, Ashview, Essex

Chilterns Healthcare Limited, Chilterns Manor, Buckinghamshire (Focused inspection to check actions from Oct 2022 inspection when found inadequate. CQC cancelled registration. Service archived Aug 2023)

Elmcare Ltd, Elmwood House, Chesterfield (Focused inspection – re-rerated from requires improvement to inadequate. Updated with enforcement action. CQC notice of proposal. Service archived Aug 2023)

Aaron House Care Ltd, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire (Targeted inspection – remains inadequate. Enforcement action, CQC issued notice of proposal to cancel registration. Service archived Sept 2023)

Achieve Together, Ambleside Lodge, Redhill

Orchard Care Home Ltd, Nottingham (Focused inspection – re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate)

Archived/closed down

Royal Mencap Society, Farm Lane House, Plymouth (31 August 2023)

Supported Living UK, Foxhills Farm, Fareham (31 August 2023)

The Seymour Home Limited, Seymour Care Home, Manchester (25 August 2023)

Better Healthcare Services Ltd, Bedford (16 August 2023)

Blue Sky Care Ltd, Richmond Lodge, Kirkby in Ashfield (15 August 2023)

Conifers Residential Care Home, Rushden (14 August 2023)

Mrs Jennifer Grego, Swanrise, Great Yarmouth (10 August 2023)

Elmcare Ltd, Elmwood House, Chesterfield (10 August 2023)

Chilterns Healthcare Limited, Chilterns Manor, Buckinghamshire) (10 August 2023)

Rated inadequate in July 2023

Warrenheath Residential Home Limited, Warren Heath Residential Home Limited, Ipswich (Inadequate last three inspections. CQC imposed condition. Service archived July 2023)

Surrey and Borders Partnership NHSFT, Oakwood

Better Healthcare Services Ltd, Bedford (Focused inspection – re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate)

White Cliffs Lodge, Dover (Updated with enforcement action – imposed conditions)

Freeways, Hillsborough House, Bristol (Targeted inspection – remains inadequate)

Mitchell’s Care Homes Ltd, Supported Living Head Office, Lingfield

Care @ Rainbow’s End, Nottingham (Focused inspection – re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate)

Riverside Healthcare Ltd, Neville Lodge, Doncaster (Focused inspection – re-rated from good to inadequate)

Mitchell’s Care Homes Ltd, Nutbush Cottage, Horley

Valorum Care Ltd, John Masefield House, Abingdon (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

Elysium Healthcare, Healthlinc House, Lincoln (Inspection January 2022, service archived June 2022, report published July 2023)

Green Square Accord, High Mount, Telford (Closed down Sept 2023)

Dolphin Homes Ltd, Beachview, Middleton on Sea (Focused inspection – re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate)

Achieve Together, Acorn Park Lodge, Redruth (Updated with enforcement action – positive conditions)

Achieve Together, St Alban’s House, Clacton on Sea (Updated with enforcement action – warning notices)

Archived/closed down

Cera Homecare Ltd, Manchester Services Ltd, Manchester (28 July 2023)

Warrenheath Residential Home Limited, Warren Heath Residential Home Limited, Ipswich (26 July 2023)

Five Rivers Living, Leicester (25 July 2023)

Ambient Support Limited, 80 Meridian Walk, Tottenham (21 July 2023)

Salutem LD BidCo IV Limited, Ambito Community Services South West, Plymouth (17 July 2023)

Auckland Care Ltd, Auckland House, Southsea (4 July 2023)

Rated inadequate in June 2023

Priory Hospital Arnold, Nottingham

Salutem LD BidCo IV Limited, Ambito Community Services South West, Plymouth (Updated with enforcement action – positive conditions. “We proposed to require the provider to report to us each month about the improvements they were making but the provider closed the service before this came into effect”. Archived July 2023)

Perfect Care Solutions Ltd, Dartford, Kent (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

People in Action – 132 Manor Court Road, Nuneaton (Updated with enforcement action – warning notices)

Emmcare Limited, Bridport (Updated with enforcement action – condition on registration)

Freeways, Hillsborough House, Bristol (Focused inspection – re-rated from good to inadequate)

Teonfa Ltd, Luton

HF (Home Farm) Trust, St Teath, Bodmin

Achieve Together, St Alban’s House

Jiva Healthcare, The Highviews, Brighton

Leonard Cheshire, St Michael’s Care Home with Nursing

Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS FT, Oakwood

Swanrise, Great Yarmouth (Focused inspection – re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate)

Mitchell’s Care Homes Ltd, Rainscombe House, Surrey (Targeted inspection – re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate)

Bespoke Care at Home, Slough (Inspection Feb 2023, report June 2023, archived on 10 May 2023)

Archived/closed down

St Elizabeth’s, Care Home with Nursing, Much Hadham (30 June 2023)

Care Relief Team Limited, CRT – Derby Extra Cares, Derby (15 June 2023)

Achievers Care Solutions Ltd, Stratford (12 June 2023)

Rated inadequate in May 2023

A Carnachan, Ashford Lodge Nursing Home, Ilkeston, Derbyshire (Report from July 2022 inspection, updated with enforcement action. CQC notified would cancel registration. Archived May 2023)

The Seymour Home Limited, Seymour Care Home, Manchester (Inspection prompted in part by notification of an incident following which a person using the service sustained a serious injury. Re-rated from Requires Improvement to Inadequate. Archived August 2023)

Elysium Healthcare, Moorlands Neurological Centre, Cheadle (formerly named WoodHouse Independent Hospital)

Mitchell’s Care Homes Ltd, Rainscombe Bungalow, Surrey

Leonard Cheshire, St Michael’s Care Home with Nursing

Mr and Mrs J Boodia, Gables Care Home, Woking (Registration cancelled, archived 24 May 2023)

First Choice Medical Solutions Ltd, Waltham Cross (Focused inspection – re-rated from good to inadequate – updated with enforcement action taken – warning notices)

Supportive Care Services, Birmingham

Emmcare Limited, Bridport

Forest Homecare, Suffolk (Focused inspection – re-rated from good to inadequate)

Lifeways Community Care, Halifax (Updated with enforcement action taken – warning notices)

Highbury Residential Care Home, Rushden (Updated with enforcement action taken – warning notices)

Blue Sky Care Ltd, Richmond Lodge, Kirkby in Ashfield (Focused inspection – remained inadequate)

Aaron House Care Ltd, Nailsworth (Updated with enforcement action taken – warning notices)

Cristal Care, The Pleasance, Edlington (Focused inspection – re-rated from good to inadequate – updated with enforcement action taken – warning notices)

Salutem LD BidCo IV Limited, Birchwood, Chesham

Autism Care UK (3) Limited, Alexandra Park, Northumberland

People in Action – 132 Manor Court Road, Nuneaton

First Choice Medical Solutions Ltd, Waltham Cross (Focused inspection – re-rated from good to inadequate)

Prime Life Ltd, Clarendon Beechlands, Leicester

Aston Care, Downshire House, Reading (Targeted inspection – remains inadequate)

New Boundaries Community Services Ltd, Pinetops, Norwich (Archived April 2023)

New Boundaries Community Services Ltd, Greenacres, Norwich (Inadequate 4 May, Archived 2 May)

Leonard Cheshire Disability, Dorandene – Care Home Learning Disabilities, Reigate

FDR Social Care, Northampton

Closed down/archived

Mr and Mrs J Boodia, Gables Care Home, Woking (24 May 2023)

1st React Healthcare Domicilary Care Agency, Exmouth (23 May 2023)

Hawksyard Priory Nursing Home, Rugeley, Staffordshire (16 May 2023)

Leonard Cheshire, Agate House, Ampthill, Bedford (15 May 2023)

A Carnachan, Ashford Lodge Nursing Home, Ilkeston, Derbyshire (11 May 2023)

Bespoke Care at Home, Slough (10 May 2023)

ASC Healthcare Ltd, Breightmet Centre for Autism, Bolton (9 May 2023)

Choice Support, 5 Bowley Close (5 May 2023)

Modus Care Ltd, East Wheal Rose (3 May 2023)

Rated inadequate in April 2023

5 Care Services Ltd, Walsall

White Cliffs Lodge, Dover

The Conifers Residential Care Home, Rushden

Aaron House Care Ltd, Nailsworth

Royal Mencap Society, Farm Lane House, Plymouth (Archived August 2023)

Atlantis Medicare Limited, Lyndhurst Residential Care Home, Middleton, Manchester

People in Action – 132 Manor Court Road, Nuneaton

Highbury Residential Care Home, Rushden

Metropolitan Housing Trust Limited, Langdon Park, Teddington

Health and Home (Essex) Limited, Ravensmere Rest Home, Essex (Archived Feb 2023)

Health and Home (Essex) Limited, Alexander House Private Nursing Home, Essex (Archived Feb 2023)

Care Solutions Recruitment Agency Ltd, Manchester (CQC cancelled their registration, service archived Sep 2023)

Liaise (South) Limited, Timaru, Romsey

Closed down/archived

New Boundaries Community Services Ltd, Pinetops, Norwich (25 April 2023)

Mr & Mrs K Bhanji, The Haven Care Home, Maidstone, Kent (24 April 2023)

Rated inadequate in March 2023

Platinum Care Homes (Stanwell) Limited, Church View Care Home, Stanwell (March 2022 inspection prompted in part due to concerns received about safeguarding incidents and risks associated with people’s care. CQC cancelled their registration. Archived March 2023)

Care Relief Team Limited, CRT – Derby Extra Cares, Derby (Registered with CQC on 16 December 2021, first inspection November 2022, rated Inadequate. Archived June 2023)

Mr & Mrs K Bhanji, The Haven Care Home, Maidstone, Kent (Inspection prompted in part due to concerns received about the quality of care being provided to people such as alleged abuse, poor record keeping, poor staff practice, management concerns and a review of the information we held about this service. The inspection was also prompted in part by notification of an incident following which a person using the service died. Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to. Archived April 2023)

DuTee4U Home Healthcare, Stoke on Trent

Pennine Camphill Community, Wakefield

Humble Healthcare Ltd, Hounslow (Focused inspection – re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate)

Lifeways Community Care, Halifax (Targeted inspection – remained inadequate)

Salutem LD BidCo IV Limited, Ambito Community Services South West, Plymouth (Focused inspection – re-rated from good to inadequate)

Achieve Together, Acorn Park Lodge, Redruth

Achieve Together, Arundel House, Frinton on Sea

Little Oyster Ltd, Little Oyster Residential Home, Sheerness

Sentricare Ltd, Birmingham

Leonard Cheshire, Greenhill House, Bath (Archived Sept 2023)

St Andrew’s Healthcare, Essex

Humble Healthcare Ltd, Hounslow (Focused inspection – re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate)

Voyage 1 Ltd, Kent and Medway Domiciliary Care Agency

Teonfa Ltd, Luton

Mencap, Farm House Lane, Plymouth (Focused inspection – re-rated from good to inadequate)

Watford and District Mencap Society, Hillside, Oxhey (Targeted inspection – not re-rated)

Choice Support, 5 Bowley Close (Focused inspection – re-rated from good to inadequate)

Cristal Care, The Pleasance, Edlington (Focused inspection – re-rated from good to inadequate)

Partnerships in Care Ltd, Grafton Manor, Northampton (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

Five Rivers Living, Leicester (Focused inspection – re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate. Archived July 2023)

Supported Living UK, Foxhills Farm, Fareham (Focused inspection – re-rated from good to inadequate)

Boundary House, Norfolk (Focused inspection – remained inadequate)

Malvern House, Morecambe (Focused inspection – re-rated from requires improvement to inadequate)

Supportive Care Services, Birmingham

1st React Healthcare Domicilary Care Agency, Exmouth (Focused inspection – re-rated from good to inadequate. Archived May 2023)

Sanctuary Life Care, Coventry (Targeted inspection, not re-rated)

Allwell Care Company Limited, Ipswich

Centurion Healthcare, Penley View, High Wycombe

Closed down/archived

Achieve Support, 57 Bury Road, Gosport (31 March 2023)

Gratia Residential Care Ltd, Leicester (13 March 2023)

Precious Passionate Care Ltd, Brighouse (7 March 2023)

Platinum Care Homes (Stanwell) Limited, Church View Care Home, Stanwell (1 March 2023)

Rated inadequate in February 2023

Global Care Ltd, Slough (Inspection prompted in part due to concerns CQC received about the governance of the service including not meeting the conditions of registration. CQC served an urgent Notice of Decision to restrict admissions to the service. Archived 23 Feb 2023)

Achieve Together Limited, Dyke Road Community Support Services, Hove (Inspection carried out to follow up on action CQC told the provider to take at the last inspection and due to concerns they received about unsafe care and staffing. Re-rated from Requires Improvement to Inadequate. Archived 24 Feb 2023)

ASC Healthcare Ltd, Breightmet Centre for Autism, Bolton (This service was placed in special measures in March 2022. Insufficient improvements have been made such that there remains a rating of inadequate for the service. Therefore, we are taking action in line with our enforcement procedures to begin the process of preventing the provider from operating the service).

Cristal Care Limited, The Pleasance, Doncaster

DuTee4u Home Healthcare, Stoke on Trent

Brighton and Hove City Council, 83 Beaconsfield Villas (not sure what changed from 3 Jan version)

Bhandal Care, Chellaston, Derby

Choice Support, 5 Bowley Close, London (Archived May 2023)

Lifeways, Greenlands View, Birmingham (Updated with enforcement action – condition on registration)

Fremantle Trust, Aylesbury Supported Living Service

HF Trust, St Teath, Bodmin

Aston Care, Hill View, Swindon (Targeted inspection, not re-rated)

Haringey Independent Living – Great North Road (Updated Jan 23 report)

Arck Living Solutions Ltd, Claremont, Humberside

Partnerships in Care Ltd, Grafton Manor, Northampton (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

Bouvelard Care Ltd, Boulevard House, Mablethorpe

Best Solutions Healthcare, Wakefield (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to; updated with enforcement action – warning notices)

Gratia Residential Care Ltd, Leicester (CQC carried out an unannounced focused inspection on 1, 2 and 3 February 2022. Breaches of legal requirements were found. The provider completed an action plan after the last inspection to show what they would do and by when to improve safe care and treatment and good governance. CQC undertook an unannounced focused inspection to check they had followed their action plan and to confirm whether they met legal requirements. CQC inspected and found there was also concerns with people’s eating and drinking, so widened the scope of the inspection to the key questions of safe, effective and well-led. Archived March 2023)

Heathcotes Care Ltd, Heathcotes Yorkshire Supported Living Office, York (Updated with enforcement action – two warning notices)

Reed Care Homes Ltd, Nayland Lodge, Colchester

Auckland Care Ltd, Auckland House, Southsea

Beech Care Ltd, Beechcare, New Romney Kent (Updated with enforcement action – condition on registration)

Archangel Healthcare Ltd, Tendring Meadows, Clacton on Sea (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

Luke’s Place, Luton

Closed down/archived

Collaborative Care Solutions Ltd, 61 Langley Road, Slough (27 February 2023)

Achieve Together Limited, Dyke Road Community Support Services, Hove (24 February 2023)

Global Care Ltd, Slough (23 February 2023)

Learning Assessment and Neurocare Centre Limited, LANCuk Heywood, Lancashire (13 February 2023)

Health and Home (Essex) Limited, Alexander House Private Nursing Home, Essex (13 February 2023)

Health and Home (Essex) Limited, Ravensmere Rest Home, Essex (13 February 2023)

Rated inadequate in January 2023

Collaborative Care Solutions Ltd, 61 Langley Road, Slough

Warrenheath Residential Home Limited, Warren Heath Residential Home Limited, Ipswich (Closed down July 2023)

Jadee’s Nursing Agency Ltd, Colchester (Updated with enforcement action – warning notice)

St Elizabeth’s, Domiciliary Care Agency, Much Hadham (Updated with enforcement action – condition on registration)

Omega Elifar Limited, The Firefly Club Care Home, Bordon

UK Healthcare Ltd, Forge House Services Limited, Cullompton (Targeted inspection, not re-rated)

Lifeways Community Care, Warwickshire and Coventry (Updated with enforcement action – Notice of Proposal to vary a condition on your registration for the regulated activity Personal Care. Since closed down).

SMS Care Ltd, Dixon House, Blackburn (Updated with enforcement action – warning notice. Since closed down)

Jiddak Ltd, Dartford (Archived 12 Jan 2023)

Heathcotes Care Ltd, Glenfield, Leicester

St Elizabeth’s, Care Home with Nursing, Much Hadham (Updated with enforcement action – CQC issued notice of decision to cancel registration. Archived June 2023)

Haringey Independent Living – Great North Road

New Boundaries Community Services Limited, Greenacres, Norwich

Living Ambitions Ltd, 231 Stafford Road, Wallington

New Boundaries Community Services Limited, Pinetops, Norwich

Liaise (South) Limited, Timaru, Romsey

Jadee’s Nursing Agency Ltd, Colchester (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

Precious Passionate Care Ltd, Brighouse (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

BBC Care Service Ltd, Chertsey (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

Brighton and Hove City Council, 83 Beaconsfield Villas

Blue Star Care Ltd, Venetia House, Leicester

Elmcare Ltd, Elmwood House, Chesterfield

Centurion Healthcare Ltd, Penley Grange, High Wycombe (updated with action taken following report published in July 2022)

Autism Anglia, Walnut House

Closed down/archived

Achieve Together, St Gabriel’s House Apartments, Westgate on Sea (24 January 2023)

Achieve Together Limited, 33 Egmont Road, Sutton (13 January 2023)

Achieve Together Limited, 31 Egmont Road, Sutton (13 January 2023)

Achieve Together, Leopold Muller Home, Bath (12 January 2023)

Jiddak Ltd, Dartford (12 January 2023)

Rated inadequate in December 2022

Learning Assessment and Neurocare Centre Limited, LANCuk Heywood, Lancashire (Service was placed in special measures in October 2021. Following a further inspection in March 2022 CQC found insufficient improvements. CQC started enforcement procedures to begin the process of preventing the provider from operating the service. In this third inspection, Nov 2022, CQC found insufficient improvements had been made. CQC served a Notice of Proposal, followed by a Notice of Decision to cancel the provider’s registration. The service was deregistered on 13 February 2023).

Whitelodge Alveley Limited, Arden Grange Nursing and Residential Care Home, Bridgnorth

Spring Healthcare Ltd, Bolton (since closed down)

Best Solutions Healthcare, Wakefield (Not supporting learning disabled/autistic people at time but registered to)

Achieve Together, St Gabriel’s House Apartments, Westgate on Sea (Closed Jan 2023)

Strode Park Foundation for People with Disabilities, Coach House, Herne Bay

Lifeways, Greenlands View, Birmingham

Alexander House Private Nursing Home, Westcliff on Sea (since closed down)

Precious Homes, St Albans, Hertfordshire (since closed down)

24/7 Flex Care Ltd, Leicester (closed down Feb 2024)

Aston Care Ltd, Downshire House, Reading

Naswell Care Ltd, Gloucester

Achieve Together, Sheringham House, Gravesend

Select Lifestyles Ltd, 512-514 Stratford Road, Solihull (Targeted inspection, not re-rated)

Mr Manmohun Ramnial, Bafford House, Cheltenham

Closed down/archived

Autism Anglia, Lambert House, Norwich (12 December 2022)

Rated inadequate in November 2022

Allag Care Ltd, Gwendolen Road Care Home, Leicester

David Adeolu Adekola, Wurel House, Kent (Targeted inspection, not re-rated)

Spring Healthcare Ltd, Bolton (since closed down)

SMS Care Ltd, Dixon House, Blackburn (since closed down)

Community Care Worker Ltd, Stoke on Trent (Targeted inspection, not re-rated)

Cera Homecare Ltd, Manchester Services Ltd, Manchester (Archived July 2023)

Options Autism, Malvern View, Hanley Castle, Worcestershire (Targeted inspection, not re-rated)

Sanctuary Life Care Ltd, Coventry

Re-enabled Support, Cheshire

Virtue Care Ltd, 42 Alexandra Road, Farnborough

Autism Anglia, Lambert House, Norwich (Closed down Dec 2022)

Eldercroft Care Home Ltd, The Hollies, Westcliff on Sea

Heathcotes Care Ltd, Heathcotes Yorkshire Supported Living Office, York

K Jones and R Brown, Avalon Care Home, Southport 

Achieve Support, Rosebank Lodge, Mitcham

UK Healthcare Ltd, Forge House Services Limited, Cullompton

Achieve Support, Inglewood House, Camberley (since closed down)

Horizon Homecare (Southern) Ltd, Poole

Linkage Community Trust, The Phoenix, Lincoln

Closed down/archived

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), Carrick, Truro (22 November 2022)

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), Rose House, Redruth (22 November 2022)

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), Heightlea, Truro (22 November 2022)

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), High View, Truro (22 November 2022)

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), Silverdale, Redruth (22 November 2022)

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), St Erme, Truro (17 November 2022)

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), Trelawney House, Helston (17 November 2022)

Autism Anglia, Lambert House, Norwich (17 November 2022)

Rated inadequate in September and October 2022

Ambient Support Limited, 80 Meridian Walk, Tottenham (CQC served the provider and registered manager with Warning Notices which required them to meet the regulations by a specified date. Closed down July 2023)

Chilterns Healthcare Limited, Chilterns Manor, Buckinghamshire (Closed down Aug 2023)

Achieve Together, Leopold Muller Home, Bath (Closed down Jan 2023)

Fen Homecare, Cambridgeshire

Canterbury Oast Trust

Bradbury House Ltd, The Grange, Wells

Lifeways Alexandra Park, Northumberland

Community Care Worker Ltd, Stoke on Trent

Lifeways Community Care, Warwickshire and Coventry (since closed down)

Lifeways Community Care, Halifax

Centurion Healthcare Ltd, 69 Chartridge Road, Chesham

Select Lifestyles Ltd, 512-514 Stratford Road, Solihull

Avalon Care Home, Merseyside

Blue Sky Care Ltd, Richmond Lodge, Nottingham (Closed down Aug 2023)

Malvern House, Morecambe

Chestnuts (Arnesby) Limited, Queens Park Care Home, Leicester

Beechcare, New Romney, Kent

Blue Star Care Ltd Venetia House, Leicester

Windsar Care Ltd, Salt Hill Care Centre, Slough

Aston Care, Downshire House, Reading

Aston Care, Hill View, Swindon

St Bennett’s Care Home, Leicester (Since closed down)

Community Integrated Care, Sewells, Welwyn Garden City

Achievers Care Solutions Ltd, Stratford (Since closed down)

Watford and District Mencap Society, Hillside, Oxhey

Priory Hospital, East Midlands

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), Carrick, Truro (Since closed down)

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), Heightlea, Truro (Since closed down)

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), Silverdale, Redruth (Since closed down)

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), St Erme, Truro (Since closed down)

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), Trelawney House, Helston (Since closed down)

Closed down/archived

Panashe Home Care Services Limited, Leicester (21 October 2022)

Burlington Care and Support Services, Burlington House, Torquay (3 October 2022)

Eight Ash Court Limited, Colchester (8 September 2022)

Rated inadequate in August 2022

St Elizabeth’s, Domiciliary Care Agency, Much Hadham

St Elizabeth’s, Care Home with Nursing, Much Hadham (since closed down)

MNP, Sandgate Manor, Folkestone

Aston Care, Glebe Villa, Bristol

Rhodsac Community Living, Manswick Care Home, Mansfield

Achieve Support, 57 Bury Road, Gosport (since closed down)

Hawksyard Priory Nursing Home, Rugeley, Staffordshire (since closed down)

ASC Healthcare Ltd, Breightmet Centre for Autism, Bolton (since closed down)

Jeesal, Treehaven Rants, Cromer

Virtue Care Ltd, 42 Alexandra Road, Farnborough

WhiteHorse Care, Brownhills, Walsall

Sequence Care, Crossbrook Court, Cheshunt (which appears to have changed it’s name to Liaise London since then, the fourth new name in its existence according to the Companies House record)

Achieve Support, Rosebank Lodge, Mitcham

Closed down/archived

Life Path Trust Limited, Coventry (17 August 2022)

Affinity Trust Specialist Support Division North (9 August 2022)

Mr Adrian Lyttle, Sutton Coldfield (1 August 2022)

Rated inadequate in July 2022

Leonard Cheshire, Agate House, Ampthill, Bedford (Archived May 2023)

Options Autism, Malvern View, Hanley Castle, Worcestershire

R G Care Ltd, Cherry Tree, Hornchurch, Essex

Sequence Care Ltd, St James Mews, Dartford (now changed it’s name to Liaise London, see note above)

Gian Healthcare Ltd, 14 Thornholme Close, Manchester

Destiny Care Support, Crowhurst Care Home, Battle

Continuity Healthcare Services Private Ltd, Nuneaton

Profad Care Agency Limited, Derby

Burlington Care and Support Services, Burlington House, Torquay (since been closed down)

UK International Nursing Agency Limited Dom Care, Radlett

Centurion Healthcare Ltd, Penley Grange, Buckinghamshire

Spectrum (Devon and Cornwall Autistic Community Trust), St Erme, Truro

Achieve Together, Tamarisk House, Norwich

Bradbury House Ltd, The Grange, Wells, Somerset

Mr and Mrs J Boodia, Gables Care Home, Woking (Archived 24 May 2023)

Canterbury Oast Trust

Paramount Care (Gateshead) Limited, Gateshead (July 2021 inspection prompted by concerns about safety. Service re-rated from Good to Inadequate. Report published with enforcement action in July 2022. CQC issued a decision to remove the location from the provider’s registration. Closed down June 2022).

Chestnuts Ltd, Queens Park Care Home, Leicester

My Homecare, Reading (since closed down)

Closed down/archived

Home Farm Trust Limited, Rowde, Devizes (26 July 2022)

Mr Adrian Lyttle, Sutton Coldfield (26 July 2022 and 29 June report removed from CQC website)

Jeesal, Vicarage Road, Cromer (26 July 2022)

Redcot Lodge Residential Care Home, Margate (13 July 2022)

Selective reports rated inadequate in June 2022

Mr Adrian Lyttle, Sutton Coldfield (report 29 June 2022, since been closed down)

Royal Mencap, 22 Lamberts (Daisy), Thetford

Royal Mencap, 6 Lamberts (Foxglove), Thetford

David Adeolu Adekola, Wurel House, Sittingbourne, Kent

Precious Homes, St Albans, Hertfordshire (since closed down)

Life Path Trust Limited, Coventry (since closed down)

Enham Trust Care Home Services, Andover

Bradbury House Ltd, Cypress Lodge, Bristol (also inspected not rated in August 2022)

Affinity Trust Specialist Support Division North (since closed down)

Bricket Wood Care Ltd, St Albans

Elysium Healthcare, WoodHouse Independent Hospital, Cheadle (since renamed Moorlands Neurological Centre)

Jeesal, Vicarage Road, Cromer (since closed down)

Closed down/archived

Paramount Care, Gateshead Limited (30 June 2022)