David’s inquest: Keri’s evidence

The coroner said that next we would move onto the two statements made by David’s sister, Keri. His coroner’s officer read them onto the record. The first statement was a short identification statement that said: On the 12th January 2022 David was admitted to Hull Royal Infirmary, Anlaby Road, Kingston Upon Hull. I was with […]

David’s inquest – pathology evidence

The first evidence the coroner, Edward Steele, heard in David’s inquest was the evidence of the Consultant Histopathologist, Dr Justin Cooke. The coroner said at A1 in the bundle there was a covering letter in which Dr Cooke set out his opinion that David died from 1a) bilateral pneumonia. The coroner said in the body […]

David’s Inquest – Coroner’s Opening

Day 1 of David’s inquest took place today, Thursday 7 November, in Hull Coroner’s Court, with Assistant Coroner Edward Steele presiding. There are two sets of Interested Persons. David’s family are represented by Ciara Bartlam from Garden Court North, instructed by Dawn Makepeace of Watson Woodhouse Solicitors. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust are represented […]

Mia Gauci-Lamport PFD

In July and August I was in court in Woking to report on the inquest following the death of Mia Gauci-Lamport. Mia died in September 2023, aged just 16, at The Children’s Trust in Tadworth. You can read all my inquest reporting here. Last week the coroner, Dr Karen Henderson, issued a Prevention of Future […]

Mia’s Inquest – Mia’s Family Statement

As stated in our pen portrait of our beautiful Meme, we are learning to live with the unimaginable. Mia has left a large size Meme hole in our hearts and lives; we all miss her more and more as each day passes.  Mia was the most beautiful little girl and left an imprint on everyone […]

Mia’s Inquest – The Children’s Trust Statement

I contacted The Children’s Trust to ask if they were making a statement after Mia’s inquest concluded. This is what they sent through, dated 6 August 2024. We were deeply saddened by the death of Mia Gauci Lamport in September 2023. We would like to extend our sincere condolences to Mia’s family. Mia was much […]

Mia’s Inquest Conclusion

The Assistant Coroner for Surrey, Dr Karen Henderson, came into court shortly after half past nine, and the hearing to sum up the evidence and conclude the inquest into the death of Mia Louise Gauci Lamport lasted an hour. The coroner introduced herself for the benefit of the recording, gave the date and venue and […]

Mia’s Inquest Day 2 – Dr O’Connell, The Children’s Trust (again)

We returned to Surrey Coroners Court on Wednesday 31 July for Day 2 of Mia Gauci Lamport’s inquest. Mia’s family and counsel for Bracknell Forest and The Children’s Trust were in court. I was attending remotely, so was not able to see who else was present in court. Dr John O’Connell who had given evidence […]