When is good not really good?

Yesterday the Care Quality Commission published its inspection report into Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. Those of you who are regulars here will know this is a Trust I have a particular interest in via the JusticeforLB campaign. LB, Laughing Boy, died a preventable death in their ‘care’ in July 2013 and we’ve yet to […]

Shaking up the system inertia

First blog here in an age, so happy new year everyone! This week has seen the publication of two reports into the appalling standards of care for learning disabled people in the UK. The National Audit Office published their investigation into the utter failure to transform care, as promised following the abuse at Winterbourne View […]

The data behind celebrating excellence #HSJAwards

Last night saw the annual HSJ Awards hit our twitterstreams. Billed as ‘the largest celebration of healthcare excellence in the UK, highlighting the most innovative and successful people and projects in the sector’, the photo above (via Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust) clearly shows the scale of the ‘celebration’. Alastair McLellan, the HSJ […]

Life after Bobby: Life Journeys

Today it’s two years since my Dad died, a marker of sorts, just another day, and an anniversary all at once. I’m never quite sure how to mark anniversaries, does your death day deserve a celebration? In a culture that so readily celebrates birth days, why not death days too? I mused this quite a […]

Courageous challenge versus conformist control

This morning I was up early (for a Saturday), scrolling through twitter, wondering how to kick start my weekend. Last weekend wasn’t my best one and I was hopeful for something to set a different path. Jodi Brown and friends didn’t disappoint: Genuinely killer question. I don’t know Jodi at all well, we’ve exchanged tweets […]

Life after Bobby: time passing

This weekend was/would have been Dad’s 67th birthday. I mentioned it to a few people on twitter and got a couple messages from people asking how I was and mentioning I’d not blogged lately, when I checked back this post is long overdue. What to share really, well at the risk of stating the obvious, […]

Love, light and hope #JusticeforLB

I’ve lost my blogging mojo at the mo, but I couldn’t let the sun set on this week without recording what an amazing week it has been. It started off with a trip to the big smoke on Monday to have an initial meeting about the #LBBill, a proposed private members bill instigated by the […]


I’ve realised this evening as I was scrabbling around for something to numb the pain in my gum (don’t ask) that I’ve incredibly strong associations with Bonjela; and sadly the most recent one has tainted it somehow. http://instagram.com/p/sN3rnJATfJ/ As children my parents desperately tried to keep us healthy. There was no junk food in our […]

Impersonal correspondence: 10-15 #nhssm

Once I’ve started something I always try my hardest to finish it, so having deconstructed and analysed paragraphs 1-9 of a letter from Katrina Percy to Sara Ryan, this post attempts to finish the rest of it. If you’d like to catch up before reading this, you can read the analysis of paras 1-3 here, then paras […]

Impersonal correspondence: paras 4-6 #nhssm

This post continues on from Impersonal correspondence: paras 1-3, all the context is there. This post continues to deconstruct the letter, starting at paragraph 4: ‘Like every single organisation and individual in the world, we are not perfect and on a rare number of occasions we get things wrong, sometimes with deeply distressing consequences. On […]