Hidden in plain sight: outing the outlier argument #Mazars

There have been many responses to the leaked #Mazars review this week, with the vast majority being a mix of horror and disbelief. There are notable exceptions though that Sara has blogged about here Doubters, deniers and belieSHers. Sara touches on the ‘outlier argument’ which is what I want to focus on in a little more detail […]

Waiting, impotence and wilfully ignoring… in pursuit of #JusticeforLB

I’m not very good at waiting. I’m a new idea a minute, leap to action and just try and get on with something, anything to avoid the inertia kinda gal. This has proved incredibly challenging at many points in my life. It’s almost three years to the day since my Dad died and his parting […]

Act for the Act – it takes less than a minute! #ActfortheAct

OK, quick blog post and quick request for your lazy Sunday evening/Monday morning/whenever you read this. The Human Rights Act is under threat, now I know very little about the law, but in my experience you don’t tend to know about the law until you need it’s protection. The Act for the Act campaign was established […]

10 reasons why I can’t support the Verita 2 conclusions #JusticeforLB

Last summer Sara and Rich asked me if I was willing to be their lay representative on Verita 2. This investigation was expected to build on Verita 1, which found LB’s death to be wholly preventable, and look at the wider system aspects at play in the lead up to/at the time. I’d never been involved […]

Preventable deaths are not tragic #JusticeforLB

I’ve spent the last fortnight in Oxford live-tweeting the inquest into the death of Connor Sparrowhawk – you can learn more about Connor here: You can learn about the campaign at JusticeforLB website and you can read the inquest happenings over on twitter @LBinquest. At some stage I’ll write about the inquest process, the amazingly […]