A hop to Hobart

Why are you going to Tassie? It’s been a frequent question on this trip and I’ll be honest I did start asking myself the same question when I realised the distance I was travelling for 2.5 days. When it came to planning my WCMT Fellowship I knew I wanted to visit the countries I’m visiting […]

Magical Melbourne Part 2

Last week started in Brisbane and I flew back to Melbourne on Wednesday. Wednesday evening I met John Chesterman, Director of Strategy and currently Acting Advocate, at the Victorian Office of the Public Advocate. John was one of the first people I contacted when planning my WCMT travels as he himself is a former Australian […]

A Brisbane bonanza #WCMTLD

I’m at the stage in my trip where my motivation to blog daily is waning a little. A lot of what I’m hearing is reinforcing what I’ve already been told, and I’m taking copious notes whenever I meet someone, however the heat in Brisbane (it was hot, very humid and damp – a little like […]

Dying to matter #WCMTLD

I spent today, International Day of People with Disability 2017, in Brisbane. Well that’s not strictly true, I spent some of it in Brisbane, some of it travelling to the Gold Coast and a significant chunk of it having an incredibly pleasurable lunch and walk on the beach/paddle in the shallows and chat with Sally […]

A round table and a sniff test

During my very limited time in New Zealand (10 days, not nearly enough) I spoke to a number of people about investigating the deaths of learning disabled people and improving their access to healthcare. I asked all of them the same question ‘who should I be speaking with to find out about academic research in […]


I wanted to record some random thoughts generated through the exceptional Disability Matters Conference. You can visit the conference website here and see what was covered. I can honestly say its been a long time since I’ve been at such an eclectic and authentic conference. The three days brought together disabled people and self advocates, […]

A New Zealand weekend

So it’s Monday evening and I’ve not blogged since Friday so I’m going to do a quick post on my weekend as an aid memoire of the end of my time in Wellington. It was a busy week last week, split between Melbourne and Wellington, and I knew I only had one day in Wellington […]

‘To date, done nothing with this information’

Day 14 of my #WCMTLD trip and only Day 2 in New Zealand but it really feels like time is flying by. Today was a bit of a blur of meetings, walking to meetings and discussing how the deaths of intellectually disabled people are investigated in New Zealand. First up I met with Claire and Martyn […]

Look backwards to go forwards #WCMTLD

My first day in New Zealand today and it’s been great for setting the context. First up I met with Esther Woodbury from the Disabled Persons Assembly New Zealand followed by Cindy Johns from People First New Zealand (who I forgot to photo). Both disabled people’s organisations form part of the coalition of DPOs who […]

Learning Disability Nurses Webchat #WeLDNs

Today was a day of downtime, the meetings I’d hoped to pull off didn’t happen so I had some much needed nothingness before a flight to New Zealand. Last night I caught the tram down to St Kilda to see the fairy penguins, the most gorgeous sight. I didn’t even think I particularly liked penguins, […]