After Louise had finished her evidence, the coroner said that the jury would now hear the read evidence of Dr Honess, an A&E Consultant.
The coroner asked her coroner’s officer to swear an oath and take her through the evidence of Dr Honess. He gave his name and swore an oath before reading the statement on to the record [I could not catch all of it but report as much as I was able].
He told the court the statement was dated 25 January 2023 and was off Dr Sarah Honess.
She said that she was a Consultant in Emergency Medicine and had qualified as a medical doctor in 2000. She had been a consultant at University Hospitals Sussex since 2019, having started at the Trust before then during her training.
She told the court that at the time of this incident she was employed as Clinical Lead for the Emergency Department at St Richard’s Hospital in Chichester.
She said she had considered Morgan’s medical records in preparing her statement. She told the court that Morgan had attended the ED on the following dates: 2 February 2023, 5 February, 9 February, 22 February and 28 February.
She said that she had not been personally involved in the care of this patient, but the following statement was written using notes written by others during the course of Morgan’s admissions to the ED.
On 2 February 2023 Morgan was brought in by ambulance and arrived in the ED at 01:24. She told the court that the nurse handover documented 5 days suicidal ideation and auditory hallucinations. Documented Morgan’s past medical history, autism, psychotic episode and eating disorder… [more missed]
Her NEWS score was 0, her observations were in the normal range. She was seen by the ED Senior House Officer and referred to mental health liaison.
On 5 February 2023, Morgan self-presented at 13:55. She had a cough, cold, a fever and swollen tonsils. Dr Honess said that Morgan was seen by a middle grade doctor. She reported that she’d had a headache for week since starting x which had improved her hallucinations. They took bloods and Morgan was diagnosed with Strep A and given antibiotics.
On 9 February 2023 Morgan was brought in by ambulance arriving at 00:38. Her presenting complaints were overdose and suicidal ideation, at high risk. Morgan was seen by the Senior House Officer in the ED, she told them two days ago she had overdosed [withheld]. She had been taken to The Haven, where she absconded and took further medication whilst in the ED, medication that she had on her person on admission.
Dr Honess said that Morgan was liable for section about a Mental Health Act assessment. The overdose medication levels were below those that required treatment, but she added, these always needed to be interpreted depending on the time that the medication was taken. After the subsequent ingestion Morgan declined blood tests.
On 11 February 2023 it was documented by a Registered Mental Health Nurse that Morgan had gone to the shop and taken another overdose. She told the court the police were called, that they directed it to the ambulance service. Morgan was returned to the Emergency Department.
On 12 February 2023 Morgan absconded from the ED. She was brought back by the police. She ordered medication by Uber Eats.
On 13 February 2023 Morgan was transferred to Rowan Ward.
On 14 February 2023 Morgan arrived at A&E experiencing ongoing mental health difficulties. She had been discharged the previous day from inpatient care. She was seen by a middle grade doctor in A&E.
On 25 February 2023 Rowan Ward was allocated, Morgan attempted to ligature and attempted leaving.
On 28 February 2023 Morgan arrived in ED at 18:30 on a Section 136 [police power] for a Mental Health Act assessment. She had been discharged from inpatient care on 27 February due to assaults on staff. She presented with suicidal ideation. Her observations were normal and she was referred to Mental Health.
Dr Honess said that she had looked through the notes of these attendances when Morgan presented to A&E.
She told the court that they were well documented, with appropriate levels of escalation, due to high levels of concern.
She ended her statement by saying she could see that did not prevent the ultimate tragedy, and loss of this young person’s life.
The coroner thanked her officer for reading Dr Honess’ statement and suggested an early lunch break.
She reminded the jury of the warnings she had given then the previous morning.
Court was adjourned at 12:45.