Hello, so this week Twitter sent me a tweet, to tell me I’d been here for 13 years and it got me thinking and I thought I’d do a little recap.
So just over 13 years ago I’d been to something called the @TheDoLectures, I was gifted a place. Look them up, they’re fabulous, it was an absolutely amazing opportunity and I learnt so much from so many people. One of the things I learnt about was @Twitter from Tim Ferriss and blogging. I didn’t really know what either of those things were before that.
So I left the Do Lectures and I set up a Twitter account and I didn’t really know where it would go and 13 years later I’ve just checked and I’ve sent 106.8k tweets. I’ve blogged about all sorts, I shared my Dad’s life and death with bile duct cancer #cholangiocarcinoma and the kindness of those who virtually walked that journey with me I will never forget.
I’ve lived, worked and campaigned on Twitter in the last 13 years. I had the utter privilege of being involved with #JusticeforLB and all that that entailed.
I’ve live tweeted and reported the inquests of: Connor Sparrowhawk, Richard Handley, Danny Tozer, Colette McCulloch, Joe Ulleri, Sasha Forster, Thomas Rawnsley, Matthew Copestick, Joanna Bailey, Rachel Johnston, Laura Booth, and Peter Seaby. And there’s another inquest starting tomorrow, for a young man called Danny Willgoss.
I have shared my best of times and worst of times on Twitter. I met my partner and some of my closest friends here. I’ve gained the support of so many people, in the UK and in other countries.
I’ve been gifted hospitality and support, emotional and financial including my regular crowdfunders without whom I couldn’t do my #OpenJustice work.
Some of these people who I consider really dear to me, I’ve never even met in person yet.
I suppose most of all I’ve been showered, it sounds cheesy, but in love. I know I’ve got people I can turn to if I need it and I know I’ve got people who’ve got my back.
I know Twitter can be a complete hellhole at times but I literally can not imagine my life without it, and those who I’ve met on it, and the opportunities its provided me.
So I just wanted to remind us of some of the positives and share how absolutely blessed I feel I’ve been, so thank you all for your friendship, kindness and support.