This isn’t a personality trait or characteristic but was a significant part of Gaia’s life and one that I felt should be covered in some way.
Gaia’s mum described how her epilepsy came on over time when she was a teenager. She felt it was linked to stress and pressure. She describes how Gaia’s first neurological event was dismissed as hormonal and then she had a seizure in bed one morning that led to her ‘getting into the system’.
Clara referenced how Gaia’s epilepsy was one of the few things that could rock her confidence.
Maya offered more insight. She situated Gaia’s epilepsy alongside spirituality. She said:
‘She was very spiritual, she was in touch with her spirituality. She did an art project at college… we went to the witch museum on holiday.
She was always drawn to artwork and crafts and stuff like that. She loved looking at whole walls of herbs and stuff.
In a way she related to that history. Gaia was epileptic, learning about witches, she was struck that if she’d been alive back then, they might have thought she was a witch or possessed or something. She was fascinated by it, she did a whole art project on witchy stuff’.
We discussed this a little more. Maya expanded and shared something so personal:
‘Gaia never followed the bible or anything like that, but she was spiritual. She understood, I guess she identified more with the Native American view on life. Because she believed in spirituality, spirit and soul that was comforting to me…
I believe in soul now.
When she was missing, there was a moment where I felt Gaia leaving…. I had a full-blown conversation with her, said goodbye. I knew she was gone, everyone else still had hope, but my hope was to find her body’.
Maya shares how glad she was when Gaia was found. Our conversation continued, I asked how things had been since. She responded:
‘It’s so hard adjusting, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.
Someone is there 24/7 and then the worst happens. I mean it was always in the back of my mind, when someone is chronically ill or disabled, can’t help it, but sometimes you think of it but you just hope nothing happens.
The hole that’s left in my life… nightmare becomes reality… the horror that space has left…
Who she was, and she’s suddenly not there any more. It’s really important I share who she was’.
So that’s what we’re doing. Helping people get to know Gaia. Please share this post, and the earlier posts. Please take some time to get to know this amazing young woman, Gaia.