The crystallisation of insight #JusticeforLB

I’m currently sat in a hotel room in Manchester thanks to the generosity of the #JusticeforLB crowdfunders, who smashed our initial target in August, thankfully, given this is the fourth time the tribunal have met to discuss Dr Valerie Murphy’s (un)fitness to practice. For anyone reading this blind Murphy is a psychiatrist specialising in learning disability, […]

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

Richard Handley’s inquest concluded yesterday, the coroner found gross failings, missed opportunities and that Richard should not have died. No-one should die of constipation in a civilised society. It’s utterly disgraceful. It makes me so angry and so sad. It’s too early for me to blog about the coroner’s decision or what we might change […]

The life and death of Richard Handley #OpenJustice

I’ve spent the last fortnight in Ipswich, live tweeting the inquest of Richard Handley, a young man whose life was cut short in it’s prime, aged just 33. I’ve spent break times with Richard’s family in the court jury room, listening to the telling of tales and the sort of family folklore that we’d all […]