Fancy a postcard?

About two years ago I read a brilliant article Twitter by Post in which Giles Turnbull had taken twitter offline, replying in real time via the post. During 2012 I attempted to make more of an effort to send postcards, and I’m delighted that a few tweeps have been on the receiving end.

I’m hoping you can help me out again. I am a complete card and postcard hoarder. I love them, I’m forever buying them, but this summer I vowed to not buy any more until I’d got rid of the bulk of what I have; this is just the tip of that iceberg:

IMG_3158Here is where you can help me out. I have fallen in love with some new postcards. They’re postcards with a conscience too, they’re being sold to raise money for legal representation at Connor Ryan’s inquest. Connor was just 18, at the start of his adult life, when he died on July 4th this year. Connor was taking a bath in an NHS treatment and assessment unit, as someone with epilepsy and learning disabilities, and never should have been left alone. His mum, Sara, has been blogging about life with Connor (LB: Laughing Boy) for a number of years, if you’d like to know more, grab a coffee, some tissues and prepare to read it and weep.

So, anyway, what has this got to do with you? I’d like to buy some of Connor’s bus postcards, I think they’re ace. I made a promise to myself not to buy more postcards until I’d shifted what I had….so please let me know if you’d like a postcard from my existing stash. You can email me your address and I’ll just randomly send you a postcard at some point in 2014. I promise not to sell your address, to spam you (other than with postcards), or to burgle you when you’re not looking….if I can shift twenty of my current stash then I can replenish.

If you’d like to support Connor’s campaign then please do go buy some postcards, cards or prints of your own. Thank you.

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