Hashtags 101 #NCASC #NCASC13

I’m the first to admit that when it comes to social media there are no rules, just preferences. However I’m so disappointed to see the same mistake/missed opportunity/confusion two years running by people who, as communications professionals, I think should know better @LGAComms that I’m venting here. My ideal would be that they see this, […]

Life after Bobby: Hospice Care Week

This is the view of the Rocky Mountains in Banff taken from Bow Falls yesterday. What has this got to do with Hospice Care Week? Everything. One of the objectives of Hospice Care Week is to raise people’s awareness of the work that hospices do. There are many myths and misconceptions about hospice care that […]

Social care evidence in practice: an English perspective #KTNConf

I’m typing this sat in the beautiful Banff Springs hotel in Canada where I’ve spent the last couple days at #KTNConf Inspiring Change. Organised and hosted by the Health Research Transfer Network of Alberta (RTNA), this conference has focused on the role of knowledge transfer in inspiring change. Rarely have I had the privilege to […]